Friday, September 19, 2014

Friday Fictioneers/Prayer Walking

Time for Friday Fictioneers again…got to this link for more 100 word stories based on a picture of the week.

                                                    Prayer Walking
 I was sitting among the garden’s flowers, mulling over my troubled life, when I noticed the ancient woman inching along the labyrinth’s twists and turns. She bent over a silver cane while the one hand caressed her heart as if to assure her it was beating. Her steps shuffled in the rose petal center and back out again. When finished, her puckered face still looked like a withered apple head doll, but her rheumy eyes radiated celestial brightness.

“Peace, child,” she said. I knew then I wanted what she had. I stepped onto the labyrinth’s path and began to pray.


Elephant's Child said...

Oh my. Not the direction I expected when I first saw the image. Clever - and moving. Thank you.

Rochelle Wisoff-Fields said...

Dear Claudia,

A vivid description of the old woman. Nicely done.



Linda O'Connell said...

With so few words, you did so much. Lovely.

Lisa Ricard Claro said...

Your prose is so often poetic, Claudia, and this is no exception. Beautiful imagery.

Susan said...

Very nice images, Bookie. You are a fine writer.

Thanks for your visit and sweet wishes, too. Susan

Perry Block said...

Interesting how this withered and ancient woman radidated something that the younger woman recognized as something she so needed. Nicely done!

Sandra Crook said...

Really enjoyed that, great take on the prompt.

marylin warner said...

Claudia, in only 100 words you have created a full, spiritual journey, and by the end I, too, wanted to step into the labyrinth and begin my prayers.
Well done. Truly beautiful.

Donna Volkenannt said...

Wonderful writing and a lovely sentiment! Great work, Claudia!

Anonymous said...

Claudia, Good story. I hope the younger woman finds what she needs. Good description and well written. :) ---Susan

Annie Lowery said...

Good blog postt