Saturday, October 17, 2015

High Road to Taos

We were in no hurry on this morning so we took the Sage Inn shuttle down to the plaza for one more time. I just had to see all the Native Americans and their jewelry again before I left. Enjoyed it immensely, talked with a few. One couple was still angry as losing their land long ago and we talked of how the world continues to have groups of people trying to rob, abuse, and overpower other groups. I bought one more bracelet for my arm to sit next to my Granny’s double silver thunderclouds. Once again my arm looked much like it had when I was eight years old.

L to R: silver and gold from years ago, Granny's double thunderclouds, silver and tourqouuise from a friend 20 years ago, silver bevel (Pueblo) this year and copper with silver in blanket pattern (Navajo) this year. 

Then we took out and headed for the High Road to Taos. Famous for its beautiful vistas, the road invited us to drive it one more time. The view changes a few times and here even the overpasses are decorated. I love that feature! Gradually we left the desert-like land and moved into higher mountains with forests. Loved the morning sunlight through the aspens….even the tree trunks were lovely! The road was twisty and curvy.

Then we came out down the mountainside to pass by the Cimarron River and turned north towards Raton. Spotted a herd of buffalo and had to stop.  I never tire of watching these magnificent animals. We began to see occasional pronghorns.  Once we reached Raton, we unfolded the map and found one of DH’s favorite roads. Part of it was new to us this year as we got on it earlier. This is on the high plains and leads you past scattered cattle and grazing grass. You pass some old cabins and few signs of life. You travel miles and miles and never see another human. Gradually the road turns to gravel for about 30 miles. This country has a beauty all its own.

We spotted the largest herd of pronghorns we have ever seen together; we counted 28. I love their black sloe berry eyes. They are skittish and you can’t get close. They hear your car slow down and come to attention ready to flee.  We stopped and eased out of the car and they tolerated us only so close. It was so silent up here! I wish everyone could hear the splendor of this silence! We parked in front of a gate that went to a ranch…but miles away.

Later on this same road we stopped for a lunch of snacks and drink standing in the middle of nowhere. Again the silence. It was one of the best sites of the trip, one to be remembered when the world makes so much noise in my head!


Elephant's Child said...

What an amazing trip.
And yes, that silence. Blissful. Healing.

Rebecca said...

Pronghorns! I'm pretty sure I've never heard of/seen them before!
Would love to see some of those old cabins.....
...and I love that armful of bracelets!
Splendor of silence. Ahhhhhhh.

pat couch laster said...

Yes, the splendor of silence--what a title for your travelogue. Or a book of poems.

Lisa Ricard Claro said...

I so enjoy vicariously taking these trips with you! You really caught my attention with the Indian jewelry. Love it. The year I graduated from high school (eek...1978!) my parents and I visited my aunt, uncle and cousins in Las Vegas (we moved there the following year) and I bought several pairs of earrings, Indian jewelry. I still have them, wear them, and enjoy them now as much as when I acquired them in '78. Beautiful, timeless.

Marylin Warner said...

While Santa Fe seems to be more popular, for me Taos is my favorite, Claudia. Smaller, more natural and authentic feeling, and the cafes, diners and shops along the side streets are all so colorful and friendly. But my most favorite of all is the D. H. Lawrence Ranch about 10 miles outside of town,up in the hills. The U. of New Mexico uses many of the cottages leading to the main house for writing getaways, furnishing main meals and daily private writing tutoring, but otherwise leaving writers to work in quiet seclusion.
The ranch include Lawrence's burial place, but also wonderful details like the tree Georgia O'Keefe painted from the base looking up at the sky (and a framed copy of her painting still attached to the tree.

Linda O'Connell said...

This is what retirement should be! I love the jewelry, and I especially like reading about your trips.