Saturday, March 30, 2013
New Bunnies
Well into the Easter week events and soon it will be Easter Sunday...a holiday dedicated to rebirth and Resurrection See the pewter bunnies in my silk flowers? Thanks to a super friend I will have more bunnies in my house and these will be on the dining room table, a reminder that real spring will come sometime too after Easter...we hope!
I wish all readers a good Passover and a Happy Easter.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Friday Fictioneers/Afterglow
a good day…no phone ringing, bathrooms swabbed, bills paid, milk fetched, laundry
done, one book finished with another waiting, and a chilly sunshine over it
all. There is time left over to join Friday Fictioneers!
picture prompt below and 100 words from the inspiration. For more fiction and
complete rules go to
put the last sandwich in the cooler and waited to watch the bass boat pull out
the drive. She waved like Miss America, with restrained affection. As the
Evinrude bounced through the corner intersection, she raced into the house to
prepare for her true love.
She shut
the drapes, started a Kitaro CD, punched in an order for a delivered pizza, and
checked the wine. She changed to a lacy gown, turned down the lights, and
flicked a match over candle wicks for a soft glow. Then she breathed deeply, picked
up her book, and pulling it close, sighed.
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Bits on a Snowy Palm Sunday
It was rainy and cold last night when a friend
and I attended early Palm Sunday services. The smell of the fresh palms was
strong and refreshing. This morning I got up to falling snow. I am glad I can
stay in my robe today, tucked inside where is it warm and dry. I am grateful to
high school buddy Linda Raney Weidert for letting me use the picture she took
this morning. It is a perfect Palm Sunday Snow picture.
First thing this morning I offered the
following Small Stone to Writing Our Way Home. Writers, these are short
writings that capture a moment in time. Go here for more info:
The earth and sky wrestle over spring this
Heavy snow falls from gray skies, accumulates;
Streets puddle as warm earth melts the cascading flakes.
Who will win in March?
Heavy snow falls from gray skies, accumulates;
Streets puddle as warm earth melts the cascading flakes.
Who will win in March?
DH has already moved his chair as close as
he can get it to the TV for basketball March Madness. (There has never been a
more appropriate name for an event!) I will curl up with a stack of books. I
have three started. If ONLY I could figure a way out to read three books all at
I am reading in Slant of Light by Missouri Writer Guild president, Steve
Wiegentein. Blogger Buddy Donna over at
alerted me to this one. Nice to see the state president is such a great writer
himself! The author is telling a story of mid-19th century Missouri
and a group of people trying to set up a Utopian society in southern Missouri.
I love the way Steve has caught the forests, rivers and prairies of this state
on the page. I can almost smell bark of the hickory, cottonwood, and sycamores
as he writes. Oh, and he did a description of earthy fragrances of tea brewing
on a wood stove that is well, a masterpiece.
Another Blogger Buddy in Alabama, Lisa at,
introduced me to Wheat Belly, a book
about gluten-free eating. I am just starting this one, but can tell it is going
to be a powerhouse of information. I avoid this kind of book anymore because I
am so tired of reading How To books that I call Don’t Work for Me books.
However, this one is full of info worth listening to at least.
The third book waiting its turn for
attention is Sabbath: Restoring the Scared
Rhythm of Rest by Wayne Muller. I want to read a first chapter or two. A
local group will meet in two weeks at the Episcopal Church to begin discussing
this book. I want to hear what both the book and the group have to say. The
author’s position is that our constant push to be successful, gain possessions
and to produce in the workplace is a force of violence to our bodies and our
spirits. Sounds reasonable to me.
If there is any time left, I want to pick
up my knitting which could be considered an act of violence to my sanity. I
knitted all last winter producing several nice things. I have knitted constantly
this winter too, but I have produced nothing! I am knitting the small ball of
yarn I started with in October. I have ruined and started over so many times I
am amazed the yarn doesn't now look like dental floss. However, DH says this is
the most economical hobby yarn he has ever seen!
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Spoiler Alert: Heavy Duty Blog
I never wanted to put much down stuff
on my blog and have worked to find something in each day to be positive about,
something I think that would be fun to share. That was the whole idea of the
blog in the first place, a positive thanks-giving place. But sometimes, the ugly
can’t be avoided because it is part of life. One of my shortcomings has always
been to crumble with the pain of others because I felt it so much with them. As
I age, I am becoming tougher, but still I seek answers and meanings for why the
ugly has to happen.
Two weeks ago my 97 year old father-in-law
fell twice in one week and broke his hip. Sparing the details, readers will
know what a broken hip means at that age. It has been a text book case of delirium,
dementia, weakness, infection, etc. Yesterday he was better but who knows what
each day will bring…just like it is for all humans really. It is hard on us as
we make the 160 mile round trips. First the worry, followed by sorrow and then
our own exhaustion.
Today is DH’s birthday but we aren’t
celebrating like we should be. We are just glad to be at home and getting some rest ourselves. We
know this is not over, that there will be more to face. Yet, this is an
expected challenge because as my Grandma used to say, “None of us get out of
this mess alive.” The upside is my father-in-law has had thirty years of living
more than my own Dad who died in severe and excruciating pain. My father-in-law
is amazingly in no pain and has not had much pain at all he tells us.
I know we are not to ask HOW and WHY
in this world, but still we try sorting out the meaning of things which is more difficult on given days. At times like these I wonder if all the modern
advancements are so really advanced. We have invented such things that make us
live longer but for what? For what kind of life? Sometimes it looks to me like
our bodies become like junk cars, sitting up on blocks, a cloudy windshield to
see through, tires that won’t roll, an engine that barely rumbles. Then someone
sees a hole in the radiator and gets excited to fix the leaking anti-freeze. But
hey, the car still won’t run because it is worn out.
I used to say that we should all be
Butterball turkeys with one of those oven timers. You know the ones I mean
where the button pops up and the cooking is done, no questions asked. Maybe we
would all live better lives and be nicer to one another if we had a button we
could watch, reminding us daily that this is all there is…the now. We are all
guilty of forgetting how fast the days go, of not relishing each opportunity to be a better person, always thinking we have a tomorrow. Some days we do, and others...well, the time is often up before we are ready.
Monday, March 18, 2013
A Family Soap Opera!
Last fall I got an email from someone whose DNA said they
were 99% positive for being my cousin. The young woman had been adopted as a
baby and linked what little information she had to my family. It was a shock to
come home from traveling and hear this. We went to work trying to find who her biological
father was and how he sat on my family tree. I was not sure what I might find,
but I was sure I wanted to help this gal.
We turned over family stones, tracked pictures and high
school yearbooks, opened closets, and shook some family members up when
questions led to both new and old family secrets. One branch of the family had
been guilty of hiding some facts as they feared the truth because it might sit
too close on a family tree limb.
But this story had a good ending because her biological father was
thrilled to learn of her existence! One of the lucky people in this world, she
now has two loving families. Her new family embraced her and is now including
her in every event family-wise.
Now a mother of five herself, she is using her children’s
spring break to meet more new family at gatherings including a wedding of one
of her new sisters. Today we met at a halfway point for a lunch and an in-person
comparing of notes. My grandmother told me once that you can pick your friends but
you are stuck with your relatives. Another quote says that friends are
relatives you chose yourself for a family. I am hoping this young woman will be
both friend and family.
Welcome to my new distant cousin!
Monday, March 11, 2013
The Morning After
When Dawn Harmon, President of the Missouri State Poetry Society and leader of the Crawford County Bombadils, sent out the writing prompt asking for poems that convinced readers something superstitious was real, I did not think I could do it. But I have just enough blarney in me, I tried anyway. Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Morning After
was always told the Little People weren't real,
they hammered little shoes only in fairy tales,
this morning I know better.
a wakeful night under a milky moon,
listened to them tap, tap, tapping their tiny toes
late into the night while I couldn't sleep.
heard them dance, sing, and dance some more.
own toes twitched while calves trembled to the tempo
the tin whistles and harps I could hear.
morning my legs were sore from keeping time;
mouth felt parched, possibly a dry drought from poteen.
listened carefully for tunes or wooden hammers hitting
the sun had already climbed the horizon.
the Little People were burrowed away, snuggled
fingers rubbed sleepy eyes as I pondered the stillness.
tonight I will slumber…but then again, maybe not.
pick up a strange gold buckle from the floor…and smile.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Saturday Centus/Red Dreams
It has been a while since I had time to do Saturday Centus. This week has been calmer with some time for friends even. This morning a fast trip to the library, a real hard cleaning of my office, a nice lunch including fresh spinach and broccoli and most things caught up reasonably well make me think I have time to play a bit.
Today's prompt is Code Red which means I can write 102 words only including the prompt. For full details and more Centus writers, visit Jenny at
Red Dreams
wiped the counter and locked the dishwasher with her last drop of energy. It
has been an exhausting shift as paramedic with two car wrecks, a fire, and one
heart attack. She longed for her bed at
9:00. Jake was kind enough to go with her.
after midnight, Jake was shaking her awake even as she heard her own voice
screaming, “Code Red!”
tried soothing her, but she broke from his cuddle like a bean through a pea shooter.
“It’s fire!”
a nightmare, Carly.”
placed her palms on warm the wall as curling smoke invaded the room.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
March, Door to Spring
Time can
move slowly, speed by, or it can simply
be a blur. The days have felt suspended for the last week after the 97 year old
father-in-law fell breaking his hip. News yesterday was he is doing well in
rehab after the successful surgery. So maybe days will now move into ordinary
time again.
the air was cold but the sun reached the ground with a crisp brightness, like
the fresh suns of spring. So I turned down the furnace, opened the windows and
cleaned our bedroom. Ah, one room felt better by the end of day.
With both
spring and St Patrick’s Day in the wings, thoughts of things green and Irish
Soda bread came to mind. So for supper I made Irish muffins. I could not find
currants in my local stores last fall and a sister-in-law brought me some from
Montana. The tiny fruit bits were perfect making these speckled muffins
morning the sun is here again…I need sunlight so much, and I am grateful for
these rays, for this day!
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Little Pitchers
My maternal great-grandmother had a pitcher collection all
the years I knew her. She lived in a two bedroom bungalow with a 1950’s
kitchen. The colors light green and red come to mind along with a chrome
dinette set. Under a short bar in the kitchen was a built-in cabinet with glass
doors. That is where all the pitchers were, and as a child, I would sit there
gazing at the beauties. We were never allowed to open the doors and play with
the glass and porcelain. Many were brought to my great-grandmother by her
friends who traveled.
While the pitchers were in every size and color imaginable,
I favored the small ones, probably because I imagined my dolls using them. When
she died, we grands and great-grands were allowed to go in and choose “keepers”
for ourselves. Many were gone by the time I got there. I chose varied ones from what was left.
were standard like the little Blue Willow one and the red ceramic one.
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