Sunday, May 7, 2017

Happy Sunday

The rains have ceased until late in the coming week. We have slight water under our house for the first time in eons of time. The ground is just so soaked, it leaches out everywhere. But…sun is out and it has lifted everyone!  Somehow, bright sun seems to be message from God that things will go on one way or another.

The doctors have called and after this week’s biopsy fiasco, they want to meet with us on Thursday for a discussion. I can tell you that I am much more stressed by the thoughts of this than the biopsy.

Meanwhile, the flower fairy friends have been here this weekend. Look at the beauty, and I wish I could send you the sweet fragrance of the peonies. The scent spreads in my kitchen. I always have an ivy geranium each year, but this year did not feel like the hunt and plant. A friend filled this need and I have an ivy geranium once again.
The air is warm enough to have windows open so even lingering in the kitchen, I can hear the tinkling of the fountain. Yes, even after hearing rain, I still like the soothing sound of water falling over rocks.

I have brewed two kinds of tea today, have a book for deck time, feel no pain,  and a friend is stopping on her way through town today. I could ask for no more.

I hope you enjoy a bright day today and look eagerly to a new week.


  1. The sunshine is wonderful! So glad you are feeling good today. Your geraniums are beautiful and your description of them almost made me smell your peonies. So hope you get good news from your doctors, prayers for that and strength for you and yours. ~jackie~

  2. I'm inspired by your ability/determination to focus on the positives. I hope/pray that you'll deal with any potential negatives as they come and not a moment before!

    Your flowers are SO pretty! What good friends you have!

  3. Claudia--Your peonies and your geraniums are beautiful. I will think good thoughts, say prayers and cross my fingers (and my eyes) about Thursday.

  4. Sunshine and nature provide healing magic don't they? And a cup of tea and a book doesn't hurt either.
    Good luck. I will be holding you in my thoughts.

  5. Sunshine, feeling good, white peonies, pink geraniums, tea and a book out on the deck all sound like the makings of a good day, Claudia. Prayers continue daily for you. Your outlook is as sunny as the skies above your house! How wonderful. Take care and enjoy each moment of this spring and May! Hugs. Susan

  6. Sunshine and flowers, that is what I am wishing you. That geranium is gorgeous. I have decided that I deserve a fresh cut bouquet every week, thanks to seeing your lovely flowers. Your peonies reminded me of a bush I had when my children were small and brought back good memories.

  7. Hi Claudia,

    I love the sight and scent of peonies, and your geraniums are beautiful.

    The sunshine and flowers are welcome changes from the rain we've had lately.

    Sending warm thoughts and prayers your way.

  8. Your flowers are beautiful and your optimistic attitude is amazing. Wishing you well and sending healing prayers.


  9. Your peonies and geraniums are lovely. What bright spots, and so fragrant. I just read about your biopsy. Hope it went well. Sending prayers and warm thoughts your way.


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