Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Biospy, Anyone?

While the deck flowers are huddling under the picnic table and grill for protection and even a little warmth, the indoor plants seem to be thriving on the occasional furnace warmth added to the dampness of monsoon season here. This Cousin Sel plant has leaves the size of saucers right now, and the spray of red trumpets cascading down the pot are a bright spot for sure.

This morning we left in more rain. The skies rained, thundered, and tossed lightning bolts all night long. While we were safe, I was awake thinking of all the people who were flooded, now getting more insult from Mother Nature. It rained all the way to Springfield, and we had allowed more time to get there. (Heard yesterday of someone who spend 8 ½ hours getting from Joplin to St. Louis due to water problems.)

We got to Springfield by 8 am and started the bloodletting procedures and readying for biopsy. Once prepared I waited another hour on whatever. Then they decided to use ultrasound instead of CAT to guide the camera and needles. Ah, then there was a problem. The two guys in the room could not see the lesions well enough. The doctor came in; he couldn’t see the lesions well enough and only route was through a vein that wasn’t worth the risk. He called the oncologist who said if it caused me risk and pain with maybe no good result, cancel the whole thing for now. I should have felt release from that poking, but I didn’t.

By the time we got back to the car I was chilled to the bone. It felt like late November instead of May. We got some breakfast sandwiches and headed home. Hubby was the driver both ways and by time we got home he was so exhausted as he did not sleep well night before either. He slept much of the afternoon; I dozed some.

I am relieved the lesions are so small and can only hope they grown very slowly. But still, it all makes me feel more on a precipice than ever. I am trying so hard to put a good spin on this for now. I know sun is to shine on Friday and the weekend so maybe that will help me get the grip to go forward again. Right now, the cold dampness bores into my spine and joints. I am listless.  I don’t want to move or think. But, oh yes, Miss Scarlett, tomorrow is another day!!!! I am going to fetch the flannel nightgown and get ready for it when it arrives!!!!  




  1. Heartfelt hugs and oceans of caring.
    You are held safely in so many hearts.

  2. Claudia--You will have quite a story to tell when you've jumped through all the medical hoops and you're well on the road to recovery.

    I came home and got into sweat pants and a long-sleeved shirt. Warm socks and Crocs. I'm ready for bed, which will be soon.

  3. Oh Claudia so sorry your body is going through this. I pray for you daily. We were in Springfield also today, I got my second spinal injection at the pain center, my doctor retired and the new one barely speaks, thank goodness he has the same PA as she explains everything thoroughly. I had to fast so my reward was strawberry crepes at the Village Inn. It is so cold, damp and windy I had wished I'd worn my winter scarf. Your words are always a joy to read, please keep writing. Prayers for our neighbors, for sunshine and good health to you. ~jackie~

  4. Gee whiz, Claudia. It's raining to beat the band here in the east, too. It takes extra effort to greet the day with a positive mindset when I look out and see nothing but gray skies. Brother. Well, it's still better than maple syrup bath weather. I cannot STAND humidity. Glad the lesions are very small. That's good news. Take care, dear friend. Love, Susan

  5. We woke to the kind of rain you described (I don't think we had thunder and lightening during the night, though.) I, too, am chilled to the bone - between the dampness and temperatures, it's difficult to warm up - and I don't have a compromised immune system!

    I can't imagine being in your shoes. I'm pretty sure I would be listless also. No advice and I hardly can think of words to encourage you. Praying for SUPERNATURAL courage, peace, wisdom, and strength for the moment. ♥

  6. I am so glad you didn't have to go that procedure, although it must have added to your stress level. I am hopeful this is a good sign. So hopeful prayer is working to heal your liver. That flower is amazing. You have such a green thumb. My rose bush is finally blooming. When I see a new bud open, I think of you.

  7. Sending love and a letter will be mailed out today!!!


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