Friday, September 25, 2015

Time With Cather Again!!!!!!

I’ve had a beautiful few hours! DH stayed overnight hanging doors at son #2’s new house. I kept Biscuit at home and we partied our way through the fleeting time. I had deck time, cookies, cold and hot tea, and reading time. I did a few things I should have done, but I did keep them at a minimum! I opened a book I could not put down and read into wee hours of the morning. I haven’t had much reading time lately and, true to form, I have been reading in about six different places at once making getting anywhere in the books slow going.

I love Willa Cather and have gotten DH to read her some too. Sister-in-law loaned us a copy of O Pioneers last fall and DH started it. Despite its being a small book, he has loggygagged in his reading making it only halfway. With him gone, I took the opportunity to mark his place and start reading it myself. I could not put it down, read into the night and early in the morning and finished it today. I can’t believe I have waited so long to read this classic!

Cather writes of the Midwestern plains so beautifully that they become a character in this story of immigrants who settled and farmed the land. The story itself is a wonderful read full of rich and well-developed characters. The tale is both beautiful and tragic. I wish I could write like this great 20th century author did!! If you love the land of the plains and prairies that is reason enough to read this beautiful book!

I only have a couple of hours left of freedom so I must hurry on this morning. It is to be a beautiful weekend ahead but one full of things needing to be done. Enjoy this last weekend in September!


  1. Hooray for some stolen (and precious) reading time. I haven't read Willa Cather in years - thanks for the reminder.

  2. Claudia, I love O PIONEERS! Only once did I assign it in a Junior American Lit class. The students either hated it or loved it, so I offered extra credit to the book lovers who would present favorite scenes or passages to the class so they would understand the appeal. They did a tremendous job, but they didn't fully change the minds of those who didn't like it. :(

    Cookies on the deck with hot/cold tea and Biscuit relaxing nearby as your read. A perfect day!

  3. I love it when a book grabs my attention like that.

  4. Oh Claudia, I know exactly how you feel, having a few hours of sweet freedom to do what you want! Enjoy every last second. Susan p.s. Thanks for all your visits!

  5. Biscuit says, "More Biscuit time!" And I say, "More cookie time!" I love Willa Cather as well.

  6. I don't believe I've read Cather since high school! Thanks for the prod--although I have a stack I'm working through currently....I will look for O Pioneer!

  7. Sweet, precious alone time to relax and read. It is such a treasure. I like how you said, you did a FEW things you had to. Mostly what you wanted to.


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