Friday, September 18, 2015

Harvest Frame of Mind

                No spring or summer beauty hath such grace, As I have seen in one autumal face.
                                                                                                 John Donne

Actually the picture above is of a June wheat field ready to be harvested, but I love the picture I took on the way home from South Dakota. The rich yellow field reminds me of all harvests, and now is certainly the time that is beginning to mark the autumn harvest season. Somehow I have missed a chunk of this summer. Once Labor Day weekend was over, we were still on race here trying to clean carpets, paint ceilings, and paint a living room in The House. We sat down about 30 minutes before the movers arrived and watched as they forced son’s white sofa through the door spreading hinge grease all over the front of the cushions!

We took a day or two off and DH went right back to work finishing four new doors that he will haul to The House and hang this weekend. I am staying home which will keep dog and grand dog apart, a relief for all involved. There is still much to do, but now the pace can slow a bit. DH wants to capture some of the summer we missed, but not many days left on a busy calendar. I hate living in chaos, turmoil, and with hyperactivity. Some days this week I have headed for groceries or a haircut, and then extended the “business” with a few minutes of sitting in the parking lot watching people, grabbing a fast Sonic drink, or even just driving slowly down the side streets with windows down looking for those first tinges of autumn that are sprinkled on trees and shrubs. 

I have added a pumpkin or two to my surroundings…they a peaceful addition demanding no watering or care. They just sit and display orange, the color of a dazzling summer’s sunlight they soaked up weeks ago.

One of my escape dashes was into the Goodwill store. I needed nothing but found these pottery bowls with plastic lids that had never been used. Not my colors or style, but I liked them. They will make a lovely way to give cookies or even to carry out a casserole. The warm and natural colors reminded me of rich earth...of harvest in a different way. 

Tonight rain and possibly harsh storms are to come. Then the temps will sink making days cooler and nights with a touch of chill. Wednesday brings the true first day of fall this year, but I think autumn is going to try sneaking in a little early this weekend. Many are ready. I hope all have a delightful weekend whatever the season.


  1. I hope you find many more windows to just be... We are after all human beings, not human doings.
    And a delightful (restful) weekend to you.

  2. That photo is gorgeous. The golden leading to that wide blue sky is amazing---I keep going back just to look at it.

  3. Hi Bookie. I would never have known your photo was taken in the spring. It's absolutely lovely----frame-worthy for sure.

    Yes, autumn is beginning here, too. I love the chilly nights and early chilly mornings. Heat is not for "moi."

    Hope your weekend is a delight. Susan p.s. Thanks so much for all visits.

  4. Claudia--That's a gorgeous picture of the field. (It would be great on a notecard.)

  5. I'm smiling at your purchases from Goodwill. They remind me of the week after I moved my parents from their home of almost 6 decades into the apartment at the assisted living where my father could have caregivers help with his Alzheimer's.
    I was exhausted, almost overwhelmed by all remaining to do to sort through a houseful of possessions and then close things up for the window. So what did I do? Does this sound familiar? I got a limeaid at the Sonic drive-in, drove past the house where all the hard work waited, and went shopping at a local thrift shop! ;) I bought three little vases that Mom certainly didn't need, but they were sweet and caught my attention. Then I stopped by their house and clipped the lingering roses on the bushes in the back yard.
    They didn't recognize where they came from, but I knew. And that night as I unloaded their bags, things felt more like home.

  6. I completely understand driving slowly down the street, an escape from the hurried pace that life hands us. Your photo is gorgeous. have you considered sending it to Country Magazine?

  7. I completely understand driving slowly down the street, and thrift shops, and postponing the hustle and bustle which life hands us some days. Your photo is gorgeous. Consider sending to Country Magazine?

  8. How did Son or DH or you deal with the grease smudges on the white cushions? I remember the ruined storm door left by the movers of a new fridge into this house. I guess they didn't think of taking it off, just jam it in there, no matter what. Oh, well. Life goes on. Really, it does. Love your penchant for Goodwill, whether you need it or not. No one but dealers go in those stores because they need something. xoxo

  9. I LOVE the photo of the barn and the field. Reminds me of all the barn photos I took on the way to Wisconsin that I've done nothing with. Wah. And I like your Goodwill find... the lucky one who will get a casserole or cookies!

  10. How incredibly blessed I am to be thought of in the middle of your busy life! I arrived home from OH (and a bit of a challenging day - again) to find the envelop with the beautiful bookmarks and felt very soothed and pampered by them.

    Hope things settle down for you. We've had beautiful weather -- I'd like to hold on to it forEVER.


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