Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Wood Tales

A few years ago when a friend left town, they got rid of everything as they were going to live on a boat. Her husband gave DH a wooden tool chest his dad had made. He wanted to keep nothing, so DH accepted it. His father had been a carpenter and had built the chest to carry his tools to work sites, and in fact, a couple of saws were still inside. DH used it for a while and then was getting tight on room in his shop. When he asked if I had ideas how to use it, I toted it inside and used the wooden box as a coffee table.

DH was not impressed, but he replaced the missing drawer and I got a pull for it. Others have commented on the piece, but DH can’t see its glamor for a living room. I like the primitive, rough wood and the thoughts of man earning his living from the chest.

We dashed to a garage sale on Friday in horrid heat because we heard wood working tools were for sale. DH found a few small items and I found a chair for $4. I love flowers on chairs outside. One of the chairs rungs was missing, but the chair sat solid. When I got it home, DH said he could fix the missing rung and surely I wasn’t sitting the chair outside as it was solid oak! There are only so many things I can stuff into this house, despite the fact I am hauling out some too.  

DH finished a chest today and we carried it in. It is cherry and was very heavy despite carrying it without the drawers. Just can’t carry things so well anymore. It turned out very well and the dark wood is perfect showcase for the Blue Willow! 


  1. That wooden chest looks beautiful to be used as a coffee table. Thoughts differs people to people in making use of any small objects. wooden chair gives a perfect finish and looks good...

  2. I do love the warmth and the organic nature of wood. And wood which has history is even better.
    Love all your purchases.

  3. Your furniture is lovely. I would use that chest as a coffee table also. This kind of home furnishing is inviting.

  4. Hi Claudia. I love anything oak.Your pieces are lovely.susan

  5. Hi Claudia. I love anything oak.Your pieces are lovely.susan

  6. Claudia--The chest your husband made is gorgeous. You are an artist with words and he in an artist with wood.

  7. Hauling things out so we can haul different/ more things in: I love it. Guess that's why I buy more cobalt glass and Cape Cod red pieces. My house has 3 generations of bureaus--all wooden, all precious because they were "Grandma's." Ah, what our heirs get to do with them is still a mystery. It's good DH is a wood worker and you have an eye for good pieces.

  8. Love the chest re-purposed as a coffee table. One thing struck me as I read your post---y'all are always going, going, going! One of these days I want to see a photo of you in a chair, relaxing. lol

  9. What lovely pieces of furniture you have, Claudia.
    I was thrilled to see how the tool box became such a stunning coffee table. The details are excellent.

    My grandfather had a wooden steamer trunk with wooden drawers and compartments inside. Inside one hidden drawer he'd stored letters his brothers and sisters had sent him when he was in France during WWI.
    Some pieces of furniture deserve these second chances to be treasured.

  10. I love the wooden chest that you use for a coffee table! The cherry chest is just gorgeous and I can see some of your Blue Willow collection on it, which looks lovely.


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