Sunday, August 16, 2015

A Good Sunday

 Another week of worry, tension and such on many fronts. But the mornings were cool, like mountain mornings before the heat returned again by noon to play oppressor in our already exasperating lives. I have to out in early mornings and evenings now dressed in long pants and tall socks due to the “no-seeums”. They never bother DH but in a few minutes make my legs both look and feel like fire.

This weekend my sister was driving out alone with her dog to be permanently located in Indianapolis. We were both very tearful about this and she wasn’t sleeping which worried me about the drive. Bottom line is she was awake at 3 am on Saturday and just got up, packed and pulled out without waiting for Sunday. I did not know until midmorning when she texted she had just passed St. Louis, but I had a feeling.

 With potent preoccupation all day, I worked over the house. DH pitched in as we have been on the road or the phone so much the house was a wreck. We divided chores and took in on shaping things up. By evening so much was done including dragging out the pumpkins and change the table to autumnal hues. DH asked if it weren’t too soon, and yes, it was by about two weeks. But it felt good to think of a good change, a heading into autumn and escaping this summer’s heat and hassle.

So today is a Sunday as Sunday should be. Quiet. Restful.  Gloriously recharging. Feeling caught up for at least 12 hours or so before a new week begins.

                                                                                                                                Jim Caviezel


  1. I hope your recharge takes you safely and happily through the week.

  2. Love the quotes, and am also glad that you took the time to relax and regroup. May you enjoy a restful week, Claudia.

  3. Your point is exactly the philosophy I embrace. Life can get the best of you sometimes, but it takes one smile or gesture of kindness to change someone's day. I like fall colors, and the trees are already ahead of schedule.

  4. I'm hoping to hear your sister-in-law gets settled peacefully and happily into Indy. When you come to visit her, give me a heads up and we might be able to meet halfway between there and Fort Wayne!

    My week began peacefully but sort of spiraled with a few things that COULD get me riled up....I journaled them, unloaded on my hubby and am trying to shake 'em off.

    Weather here is autumn-like. I couldn't be more ready!

  5. What a precisely vivid expression--potent preoccupation--that I totally understand, Claudia. This past week I've gotten through several concerns by doing exactly that. This afternoon, as I await several important calls with results, I'll endure the heat and throw myself into weeding out the last overgrown areas of an old garden spot. I am also the target chosen by No-See'ums when we're in Kansas, but fortunately, Colorado doesn't seem to have them.
    I am so ready for Sunday's special peace, but even tomorrow I can't relax until after I've visited a friend in the hospital.


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