Tuesday, August 25, 2015

One of August's Last Days

Here it is the middle of the last week in August. Hard to realize summer is truly winding down. It has been a weird summer on weather front, on family front. August is usually a horridly hot and dry month around here, and while afternoons are quite warm, the mornings are starting at 59 and 60. How wonderful. Also there has been eight inches of rain so far in this normally parched month. The last year’s rain total was 14 inches while this year’s eighth month marks almost thirty for the year. Makes for a beautiful, lush countryside, but all the rainy days were not delightful.

Despite dropping, breaking, or ruining many things today, it was a decent day due to an ease of schedule. I actually had time to make a meal, clean up the kitchen and all at once. I had a new recipe and even with misreading the directions it came out edible! Normally we try to avoid sugar, gluten, cholesterol, alcohol, calories, and surely something else; today I ignored all the rules and made Bourbon Spiked Pumpkin Bread Pudding. The result was decent enough I can’t wait to follow the directions and see if I can make it better!

I feel some Cranberry Orange tea coming on…sweaters….loafers with cushiony socks….a walk in crunchy leaves….pumpkins on the porch….geese V’ing their way across blue skies. How about you, ready for autumn?


  1. That recipe sounds enticing. Are you going to share it?
    Sadly, autumn is a looooong way away. One of my favourite seasons but we have spring nudging her way in the door here now. Which is fine, and welcome.
    Summer on the other hand...

  2. I am also ready for autumn, but if we weren't, too bad, huh? I work in the summer-neglected yard in the late evenings--well, from 6 to 8 sometimes. Tonight was such a night. And I have begun a new short story, so I feel like I've accomplished something. Your bread pudding (though I never liked Mom's) sounds scrumptious. Maybe our energy levels will rise with the lower temperatures. xoxo

  3. Glad you threw caution to the wind and made that bread pudding. It sounds delightful. Loving this cool autumn feel in the air.

  4. It's a lot cooler here than usual, too. Feels so good out there! It's usually still blistering hot this time of year, but already the evenings and mornings are dropping low enough to be chilly. And that dessert looks awesome. Yum!

  5. Oh, wow! Claudia, just the picture of the Bourbon Spiked Pumpkin Bread Pudding has me drooling, Can you PLEASE share a recipe? Fort Scott is the county seat of Bourbon County, and two high school friends and I are planning to furnish recipes for her sorority fundraiser in Ft. Scott. This one sounds perfect!

  6. Hi Bookie. Thanks for your visits. Well, I'm not really ready for autumn but it's coming, whether I'm ready or not. Not going to decorate just yet, though. Going to stretch late summer out as long as humanly possible. There is a touch of fall in the early morning air, though, and nights are nice for sleeping with the windows open. Susan

  7. Yes, I'm ready for autumn and today it felt like it... just love it. Fall is my favorite time of year.


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