Sunday, August 30, 2015

A Weekend of Extremes

It was to rain yesterday and be gone by today. It barely showered yesterday, was cool until noon when it got hot. Today followed suit being pretty darn hot but bright until an hour ago when the rain that was to be gone started pouring. It saved me from watering a deck full of rather sad looking summer flowers.

Yesterday we met our kids at Bennett Springs State Park for a picnic. We had all hoped for something more, but the summer has seemed to evaporate without the fun things taking place. Too many demands on everyone’s time and energy. So we declared yesterday a few hours of togetherness. It was a two and half hour drive after a sleepless night. (That is another story!) Then it was back again. Dog, man, and wife were all in bed by 9:00 pm.

Bennett Springs is a lovely place, and so many, many people were using this last of summer weekends (before next weekend, Labor Day) to absorb some sun rays and catch some trout. We have been here often and on over the years so a few memories are stored in our heads. For so long, I did not know my family had roots here in this Ozark area. This region is on the edge of famous apple orchards and some time ago, I learned a great great grandpa had started an apple farm with the help of Stark Brothers, a famous name in nursery and garden life.

We came home tired but happy. Then we got the call my California aunt had died. Another loss on a sunny day. Early this morning…we heard several acorns hit the roof that sits under the big oak. Nature reminds us that each day we have is one of both beginnings and endings.


  1. Your last line should be ultimately added to a book or website of memorable and useful quotes. Rest, m'dear, rest.

  2. I agree with Patricia. That last line is a keeper.

    We have 3 huge pin oaks in our front yard, so our walkway is full of acorn bits. The squirrels are busy. Perhaps that means a brutal winter? (Teachers who love snow days want to know.)

  3. Echoing your other comments.
    That last line is a powerful - and encouraging truth.

  4. your posts have had a melancholy feel, but oh so nice to spend time with the kids, isn't it? I like the barn restaurant, too. I like to just drive and see where we end up. Discovering little niches or restaurants is an added bonus. Sorry about your aunt. Your last line is priceless.


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