Friday, March 21, 2014

Wearing Down March

Here we are at the end of another week and once again the weatherman is using four letter words for the weekend: rain and snow! Right now I write with windows and doors open at 70 degrees. This morning was windy, but the wind died down this afternoon making the last hours near perfect! I snatched a fresh air nap, we walked the dog, and now DH is anchored in front of March Madness Basketball!

Our days have been centered around our Death Row Doggie. She likes it here and is pretty nice about most of our rules. Biscuit still has some fear of vehicles and strangers but she gets better each week. She hates going to bed and becomes violently playful about 8 p.m. She is then like a hyper four year old. No amount of play is enough. So by 10:00 we all fall into bed exhausted!

We brought DH's winter project into the house this week. He made a bedside table to replace a lace tablecloth covered stand. This is quite a different look and we both like it. We have a lot of other projects on the list yet, but this made a good winter one since it was small and his shop was closed due to weather more days this winter.

In my writing world, I edited a short story I want to submit for a historical romance contest, but nothing new got written. :(

Last weekend I returned to reading which had been sparse this winter due to many interruptions. I read Weekends with Georgia O'Keeffe by a woman who had been employed at Abiquiu
for about seven years. The artist ate very healthy food she grew and cooked herself. She was a unique woman.

Then I went to The Woman Who Watches Over the World by Linda Hogan. This was a memoir by a poet and writer who had a most unusual childhood. She was part Native American and she writes of the conflicts of cultures she experienced. She adopted two Native American daughters and both had serious issues adapting. The book was interesting but hard to read about so many problems.

Then I moved back into a book I am reading about the political atmosphere of the times of Jesus. Wow, I don't understand all of that history. It is heavy stuff. However, I guess crooked leaders and selfish people have been around so long I doubt if we get rid of them!

So the weekend is here and most of March is gone. Now to see if it is a snowy weekend and if more reading is on tap. Have a great weekend ahead readers--with good books if necessary.


  1. Claudia--Your husband does beautiful work.

    And Biscuit looks like one happy pup.

    Have a great weekend...

  2. Hello Claudia. Yes, indeed, your hubs did a great job on the table. Very nice!

    We are wondering if snow is coming again, too. Gee whiz. Can't wait. (Not).

    Hope your weekend is good and that you fill it with some "good to me" activities! Susan

  3. The table looks gorgeous.
    Our cats go into 'mad mode' just after I go to bed each night. Running through the house, over the bed, under the bed, playing chasings. It is exhausting to listen to.
    Your reading sounded wonderful. I have a passion for memoirs and biographies. And, if I find it hard to read, I think to myself 'how much harder it must have been to experience' and keep going.
    Have a great weekend.

  4. Biscuit has a playful gleam. I know how much fun and company your new baby must bring. It can't be long now, hurry spring. Just a day or two when I can sit outdoors and read.
    Tell DH that table is beautiful!

  5. I love the description at night of your new furry friend acting like a 4-year-old at bedtime. So true! And if we think the sudden blasts of cold and snow discourage us, imagine how it feels for dogs who love to sprawl in the sun and run and roll in the grass.
    But March is wearing down--it HAS to be, surely--and then we'll feel better.

  6. What a sweet-looking dog! He looks so playful.

    DH does lovely work. The bedside table is gorgeous.

    Good luck with your short story. Editing is such an important part of writing and needed to make stories shine!

    I'm hoping after this latest round of wintry-mix spring will finally get here!

  7. I'm going to put Weekends with Georgia O'Keeffe on my reading list! I read one by an in-home secretary to E.B. White and really enjoyed it...

    Your husband's project turned out beautifully and looks perfect sitting beside your bed.

    Hurray for your commitment to that writing project!

  8. Beautiful table and beautiful pooch!

  9. Beautiful night stand! Beautiful Biscuit! Beautiful life of Claudia!


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