Saturday, March 29, 2014

I See April Ahead

Yes, the yard and deck are in a mess, but it is a good thing. The weather was so nice today, to be nicer tomorrow, and then a rainy week moving in on Monday. We need rain in this area so I will try not to moan about gray days…April showers bring May flowers you know! Only a couple more days of March and April will arrive. There are teeny tiny greens bits appearing in my lettuce pots!

So this morning we began the day with a trip to Lowes where we seem to spend a lot of time anymore. We have ordered a couple of new windows to be the first spring project. We only have two big sliders left before we can say all the 55 year old windows are replaced. This morning we went for deck sealer, stripper, and a wee tad of lattice to close off the shed’s foundation from animals. When we got home, DH went to shop to work on a gluing effort on some old chairs. While it was still rather cool, I began to unload all the deck with hopes we could seal the boards in the near future. Since we lost the huge maple last November, we know life on the deck will have changes; dealing with no shade and a harsh western sun is going to be a challenge. Flowers and ferns I used before will now not be able to stand up to the burning sun.

By the time the deck was unloaded, the sun was out strong and it was delightfully warm. A check of the weather showed a change in forecast. The Monday we had planned on being clear was now the beginning of the coming rain. DH looked at the cleared deck and decided to apply the sealer today. Oh, it looks nice and in tomorrow’s 70 plus weather including wind we know if will be very dry by Monday. This feels so good to have a big project almost done…things still have to be moved back.

While he sealed, I made us a good lunch. The dog injured her leg backing into a chair. By the time deck was finished and lunch over. Man, dog, and wife were tired and achy! All three stretched out on floor or in recliners for a couple of quiet hours. But we all dreamed of what was coming: freshly mowed grass, tea parties on the deck, geraniums the blood red of a rooster’s comb, wrens returning, chasing Frisbees, robins splashing in the bird baths, outside meals, and other bright spots of spring and summer.


  1. Ah yes, nothing like Spring to spring folks into action... and dreaming of the beautiful weather.

  2. Biscuit looks quite happy. Soon she will have green grass to romp in...

  3. What a wonderful achievement. I am taking time out myself for an hour or two. I have been weeding my heart out to make room for the zillion spring bulbs we bought. Hard work, but it will be worth it. By the time the garden blooms the blood sweat and tears I have invested in it will be a dim memory.
    Biscuit looks totally at home - which is lovely.

  4. There really is the feeling of April in the air, Claudia, but on Thursday when I was looking out my mother's hospital window, the wind was howling and we were under a tornado watch.
    But as I remember from growing up in southeast Kansas, that was just standard weather, so we still dug up our gardens and planted, and cleaned off our decks and patios.
    The warm day did feel so very nice.

  5. Poor Biscuit! I hope his leg is all better now. I smiled as I read what all the three of you dreamed of....When I read "chasing Frisbees", I though... "Hmmm, I didn't know Claudia liked to play with Frisbees!" LOL

  6. Can't help being a bit jealous! We're supposed to get up to 60, I think I've heard. So far, I've not been outside much except to get in car to drive to therapy....My husband DID walk through the wet backyard yesterday and said he picked up a LOT of twigs and small branches that had fallen over the winter.

    Your deck looks absolutely wonderful! Enjoy.

  7. So nice to be outdoors again. Enjoy spring!


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