Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Friday Fictioneers/Afterglow

Finally a good day…no phone ringing, bathrooms swabbed, bills paid, milk fetched, laundry done, one book finished with another waiting, and a chilly sunshine over it all. There is time left over to join Friday Fictioneers!

A picture prompt below and 100 words from the inspiration. For more fiction and complete rules go to

Janet put the last sandwich in the cooler and waited to watch the bass boat pull out the drive. She waved like Miss America, with restrained affection. As the Evinrude bounced through the corner intersection, she raced into the house to prepare for her true love.

She shut the drapes, started a Kitaro CD, punched in an order for a delivered pizza, and checked the wine. She changed to a lacy gown, turned down the lights, and flicked a match over candle wicks for a soft glow. Then she breathed deeply, picked up her book, and pulling it close, sighed. 


  1. Feel bad for the fisherman....he should be using a Mercury!


  2. Wow, I love to read as much as anyone and more than most, but I've never gone to that extreme for a book! Good twist, though.


  3. Hmm would I go that extent to read?...nup :-) but I took it that someone was going to knock on the door, and she was simply doing the femme fatale nonchalant routine... :-) Great twist though - enjoyed.

  4. Each to his/her own. Nice piece of misdirection. (I think) ;)

  5. Nice twist - who could be a better beau for her than an imaginary one?

  6. Oh, that's a way to be serious about reading

  7. Liked this a lot - getting together all her favourite things in a relaxing, peaceful atmosphere. Sounds like heaven :)

    As long as it wasn't 50 Shades!!!

  8. Liked this a lot - getting together all her favourite things in a relaxing, peaceful atmosphere. Sounds like heaven :)

    As long as it wasn't 50 Shades!!!

  9. Hope he's gone for at least two days--this is the best way to read a book: all at once, interrupted only by a few catnaps to keep you going. Nice story.

  10. Sometimes you just want to be alone to read. But that's not where I thought this was going. :)Nicely done.

  11. I could see doing that for a really good book! There are times if the book is good enough and it's just me - I'll stay up all night to finish it! :)

    Thanks for your visit to my WP site linked to the 100 word story.
    I've got different stuff at this blog.
    Cheers, Jules

  12. wonderful twist :) what could be a better other lover ^^

  13. Dear Claudia,
    What I delightful piece. I loved the twist at the end. Of course, though she may protest, I thought of our own Janet who is a passionate lover of books. Well done!

  14. Here I was ready to point a finger at her and fit her for her large "A" to wear. You did a fine job of tricking us into thinking she was cheating.

    What are your books about? I am so excited about publishing a book soon. I wonder if you will choose traditional or e-book format?

  15. Love this! Can't say I've ever gone to that much trouble, but I have changed into my jammies and poured a glass of wine (or fixed a hot cup of tea) before settling in with a book. I understand your heroine completely!

  16. Sounds like she was really glad to get him out of the house. So, is her true love the book...or the pizza delivery boy? :)

  17. I really liked this post! I like to read very much too.

  18. Talk about seriously snuggling up with a good book!

  19. Neatly constructed tale.
    Loved it.

  20. That would be me pulling the boat out of the driveway. I'm glad she got some "me time." Sometimes that hard to come by at my house.


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