Sunday, March 24, 2013

Bits on a Snowy Palm Sunday

It was rainy and cold last night when a friend and I attended early Palm Sunday services. The smell of the fresh palms was strong and refreshing. This morning I got up to falling snow. I am glad I can stay in my robe today, tucked inside where is it warm and dry. I am grateful to high school buddy Linda Raney Weidert for letting me use the picture she took this morning. It is a perfect Palm Sunday Snow picture.

First thing this morning I offered the following Small Stone to Writing Our Way Home. Writers, these are short writings that capture a moment in time. Go here for more info:

The earth and sky wrestle over spring this morning.
Heavy snow falls from gray skies, accumulates;
Streets puddle as warm earth melts the cascading flakes.
Who will win in March?

DH has already moved his chair as close as he can get it to the TV for basketball March Madness. (There has never been a more appropriate name for an event!) I will curl up with a stack of books. I have three started. If ONLY I could figure a way out to read three books all at once!

I am reading in Slant of Light by Missouri Writer Guild president, Steve Wiegentein. Blogger Buddy Donna over at alerted me to this one. Nice to see the state president is such a great writer himself! The author is telling a story of mid-19th century Missouri and a group of people trying to set up a Utopian society in southern Missouri. I love the way Steve has caught the forests, rivers and prairies of this state on the page. I can almost smell bark of the hickory, cottonwood, and sycamores as he writes. Oh, and he did a description of earthy fragrances of tea brewing on a wood stove that is well, a masterpiece.

Another Blogger Buddy in Alabama, Lisa at, introduced me to Wheat Belly, a book about gluten-free eating. I am just starting this one, but can tell it is going to be a powerhouse of information. I avoid this kind of book anymore because I am so tired of reading How To books that I call Don’t Work for Me books. However, this one is full of info worth listening to at least.

The third book waiting its turn for attention is Sabbath: Restoring the Scared Rhythm of Rest by Wayne Muller. I want to read a first chapter or two. A local group will meet in two weeks at the Episcopal Church to begin discussing this book. I want to hear what both the book and the group have to say. The author’s position is that our constant push to be successful, gain possessions and to produce in the workplace is a force of violence to our bodies and our spirits. Sounds reasonable to me.

If there is any time left, I want to pick up my knitting which could be considered an act of violence to my sanity. I knitted all last winter producing several nice things. I have knitted constantly this winter too, but I have produced nothing! I am knitting the small ball of yarn I started with in October. I have ruined and started over so many times I am amazed the yarn doesn't now look like dental floss. However, DH says this is the most economical hobby yarn he has ever seen!


  1. Hi Claudia,
    We've had a lot of snow in this part of Missouri, too. It's a great day to stay inside and read a good book.
    Thanks for mentioning my blog.
    I'm so ready for spring.

  2. Hi Claudia - That photo is beautiful. I love the depiction of the cross in an everyday thing. The snow adds to the beauty.

    Here in Atlanta it has been raining for a couple days---severe flood warning in effect right now. At least the temp has warmed up, though.

    You've set yourself up with a lot of reading! Wheat Belly is a lot of info, but it is written in a way that makes it easy to understand. I think you'll find it worth your time.

    Enjoy your Sunday!

  3. Claudia--I agree with Lisa. I love the photo. Is that one you took? If so, I imagine you could sell it somewhere--a religious magazine perhaps?

    I am recommending (to anyone who will listen) the book "Freeman" by Leonard Pitts, Jr. It's an amazing novel.

    Also Jean Ellen Whatley's "Off the Leash." It's a wonderful memoir.

    Thanks. I too read all the stories in Cupid's Quiver by people I know. I enjoyed your story. (You are a heck of a lot better at romance than I am. I limp pathetically along...)

  4. You just reminded me that I want to order Cupid's Quiver and Wheat Belly. I have Slant of Light, just haven't read it yet... ahh, so many books, so little time these days. The photo is lovely.


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