Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Thrifted Soup? (Plus Writing Ops)

I often read or write about thrifted things like tea cups, furniture, clothes, etc. But can food be thrifted? I think today’s soup will be called Thrifted Soup!

I looked in the refrigerator this morning and saw leftover salsa from the weekend. It was not very spicy, and I wondered how I could recycle those tomatoes. Then I saw some mushrooms I forgot to cover, and they were pretty dried out. Hum. Sighting of pieces of lingering turkey sausage...I knew I was going to try to salvage this collection into soup.

I put onions, mushrooms, green pepper and a fistful of garlic to sweat in a wee tad of olive oil. I added a dash of Worcestershire, a can of chicken broth, and the salsa. A little bit of a sip…yep, tasting fine! Now what additions? Two potatoes, a piece of surplus chicken shredded, the turkey, a very wrinkled zucchini, and a dab of frozen corn. While getting the corn, I saw a cup of frozen dried peas from New Mexico that I had cooked in beef broth. Bingo, they would add to the soup.

Oh, with a little grated smoked Provolone tossed on top of each bowl, this soup made an impressive lunch today!

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Magnapoets is an 8.5" x 11" biannual print journal, published approximately in

January and July of each year. Submissions are now open til October 31, 2011 for

our January 2012 issue.
We are also reading for a special feature called Self Portrait. Full guidelines
found here:

The second annual print publication of ROAR Magazine, a literary journal

focused on supporting fiction, nonfiction, poetry and visual art by women,

is seeking submissions.

For Issue #2, we’re looking for:
fiction (short stories, flash fiction)
nonfiction (personal essays, memoir excerpts and profiles)
poetry (traditional, experimental)
digital visual art

For information about how to submit your work, please visit us
at We accept submissions on a rolling basis, but
priority for the issue will be given to those received by Nov.15, 2011.


  1. How creative!
    Your post brought back memories. My dad used to throw vegetables into a stock pot and make the best soups.

  2. My husband calls your concoction Mustgo. Yours sounded yummy. Thanks for the writing tips.

  3. When I lived in Germany many, many years ago, my best friend (Army wife) used to make what she called "Garbage Stew"!! I never did like that name! Ewww...Yours is much better!
    Thanks for the writing ops, too, Claudia!


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