Saturday, October 22, 2011

Saturday Centus/Social Networking

   Although the day is to be delightfully sunny and warm, the morning dawned crisp and downright cold. I wondered if the gal from Wilson Farms would brave it for one of the last Farmer's Market Saturdays. But she was there and everything looked so wonderful...a rainbow of large mums, pumpkins in many hues of orange, and so many squash. There were still plenty of cukes, tomatoes and peppers along with sweet potatoes and onions too. Hard to think the growing season is almost over.

When I returned, I put short ribs in the oven and then began to brown some beef for the evening meal. I looked around, thought I had a few minutes, and ran into see if I could do a tad of computer work. I wanted to write a book review and wondered if there would be time to participate in Centus since I had missed so many other writing events this week.

The fingers started flying over the keys and next I knew, a fragrance was pounding through to my mind. Ground beef!!! I raced the kitchen and with a quick turn with the spatula and a fast dash of olive oil, I save the ground beef. Thankfully it will go into an Italian casserole with some pepperoni and all will be well.

So Jenny's Centus prompt this week is I planted a little and I thought that a bit hard. But a wee scene came to mind and I hammered it out below. For more stories using this prompt and rules for playing Centus go to Now I have to go clean a spaghetti squash to go with those short ribs before I go read more Centus stories myself!

                                                 Social Networking
At first Nancy was hurt when she overheard the unkind girls chattering at their lockers. Tears pooled in her eyes, but she fought them back until she was alone under the oaks.

Now she leaned back on her bed pillow looking at her laptop screen. A sneering smile spread across her taut face, feeling satisfaction ooze through her veins. Call her Nasty Nancy and think they wouldn’t get caught? Think again.

“I planted a little tale that will make them rue the day they messed with me,” Nancy said aloud. Then she struck the Enter button and watched as chaos seeped out to Facebook.


  1. Oh, dear. And sadly, very true to life. Both the mean girls and the mean responses.


  2. Uh oh, I guess they won't be doing that again to her. It's sad that this really happens being the mean girls and then the retaliation just as mean, ha.

  3. ouchie. unkind girls can be the worst... and Facebook such a wicked weapon when used with evil intent. :(

  4. oh yes, facebook and social media is a sad playground for mean girls (and boys!)

    liked your writing today.

  5. I took the same approach with my Centus. Yours is way better than mine, though. Good work!!!!

  6. Nicely done ! Reminds me of a painful episode in Jr. High I cannot forget when girls said mean, rude things to me and I fought the tears until I was alone, walking home from the bus stop.
    BTW, the prompt was:
    I planted a little story seed...

  7. Oh this is good, I can even see the smoke from Facebook rising over here....oh no! LOL

  8. Facebook is the way for mean girl and boys and some retaliation using their own weapons is nice. Good one.

  9. I see this all the time- nasty FB comments. Not my style.

  10. Mean girls. Bullies. One of my great fears as my Grandlittles grow up in this world of instant gossip and cruelty.

    You made me feel so uncomfortable with this...really, really excellent writing.

    Your dinner sounds like it was fabulous!


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