Thursday, January 20, 2011

Snow Breaks Writer's Block

Outside today...

Okay, FINALLY, that writer’s block broke sometime yesterday. I stayed with the theme that was rolling through my head but found a new angle. I went to bed thinking in scenes…I kept coming to consciousness all night long with words and moments of my character in my head. Meanwhile I was waiting on snow. Despite not being related to a school anymore, I still have the angst, the longing, for a snow day. Hearing about the coming snow but not seeing anything yet when I went to bed, I felt anxious. Finally about 3:30 a.m. the flakes started.

So this morning when I saw those first accumulated inches, I smiled. I canceled the trip to Tai Chi, passed on the SAD lamp, postponed my home exercise, and brewed tea. Thanks to our Wales friends sending a Christmas box that arrived yesterday with a load of tea, I had plenty to choose from for the day. I started with English Breakfast, a hale and hearty brew. Then I went to work on my flash fiction. It fell into place; it felt swell to see it take form. I even took a chance and read it to DH later (never a good idea!), and he found it “charming”. Well!

That earned him a lunch with turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, and a green salad including apple and pecans. Another delightful pot of the Welsh tea made the meal complete. Then we put away lunch and locked ourselves away in the family room for a biopic DVD on a French Canadian hockey player. Hum, not my choice, but it was mindless rest for my brain.

Now, just like on school snow days, the day has moved along too fast and is about gone. Oh, there is a chore list for tomorrow and the temps are to be more than merely frosty tonight and tomorrow. But I have a stack of books, lots of tea, and with a piece of fiction, even a short one, under my belt, I feel like a new person today...         

                       Inside today...                                                                                             


  1. Yes! You got your groove back. I am happy for you. Maybe its the snow. I too was productive. I dropped a cough drop and a poem spilled out. Well, you know what I mean:)Write on!

  2. Hello! I've seen you on a couple of my writer friend's blogs and decided to visit. Glad to hear the words are flowing for you again!


  3. Good for you! I'm happy you're back at it. And your tea sounds lovely. I love hot tea, especially on cold, wintry days.

  4. Oh, I'm SO happy for you! I know how bad you were feeling, but see...those bad old writer's blocks eventually do go away! Your snow day sounded lovely!

  5. Interesting how characters and details came to surface during the night....Do you have a pad and pencil at bedside, or can you trust your memory. (Even with pen & pad at hand, I sometimes talk myself out of writing it down thinking it is so "vivid" I can't possibly forget....only to find I DO - forget, that is.)


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