Saturday, January 22, 2011

Saturday Centus/Family Matters

It is Saturday Centus again and Jenny almost  knocked me out of play this week with her prompt of "Beam me up, Scottie". But I rallied, found a way, and I am back in the game again! For complete rules go to:


                                                            Family Matters

She helped her mother-in-law through the optometrist’s door. “Hope he doesn’t rip me off for new glasses again,” her shaky voice blared across the office.

Rachel winched, but the biting words were not unexpected. The receptionist ushered Ethyl right back to a room, having learned it was far better that way. Rachel watched the dowager’s hump ease down the hall while her own shoulders felt stooped by burdens.

Why had Frank died leaving his mother in her charge?

“We never liked her, but she’s all I have now,” echoed the stabbing voice.

“Beam me up Scottie”, mumbled Rachel.


  1. Oh boy, Do I ever get this. Really well portrayed. It really can be a sci-fi experience - I get it.

  2. Fine writing although a bit sad...Peace and blessings

  3. Oh gosh hurry quick Scottie this girl needs out! Nicely written in an un-sci-fi way, excellent!

  4. Doggone that Frank! Can't someone else take her??

  5. This one really made me feel something.

    And there are all kinds of science fiction, right? Horror is horror.


  6. This is great. I loved your take on it. I'm afraid this happens in a lot of families. Good job.

  7. Great job and almost too close to the real truth.
    Love the dowagers hump - nice addition.

  8. Oh, no! It would be funny if it weren't so sad . . . Great Take!

  9. I liked it. I've felt those moments myself.

  10. This was a great take! Very well written, and sounds like a very true slice of life. Nicely done! Kat

  11. Well done. Have to feel sorry for her! I think I'd want to be beamed up, too, under those circumstances. My father-in-law lives with us, but he's a doll...I lucked out! No beaming up required. :)

  12. Very well written piece. Loved how it elicited such empathy for poor Rachel. Sucks to be her! Great job!

  13. Yes, poor Rachel. This really makes me feel for her. That's the sign of a well written piece.

  14. Such a touching tale!

  15. Oh that's a little sad but understandable!

  16. Oh wow. I remember both my grandmothers becoming similar versions of Ethyl. Really well done, Claudia.

  17. Oh my. I've just started going down the list. It strikes me that many may try to use this prompt in an 'un-sci-fi-way'.
    I really like your text. It is well-written and leaves me wondering what it is really about until the last word. Then I understand that it is about a widow who is burdened with the care of her difficult mother-in-law. It is not a sci-fi-text in one way - it is very real! But the character may be a fan of sci-fi because she uses the very sci-fi-line 'Beam me up...' She wants out! In an other connection she might have said 'Sweet Jesus..' or 'Oh Lordie...' or 'Mary, Mother of God..' depending upon whom she believes can help her.
    Very well done!
    Best wishes & hugs,
    For the benefit of other readers:
    Anna's Blue Planet SC week 38

  18. Dear Claudia,
    Thank you for your concern about my broken glasses. I can still use them, but if they were to fall apart I would have problems. (I am going to try to glue them together.) Being near-sighted I would not be allow to drive a car without them. But thankfully, I don't have to use a car to get around. This town is so small that I walk or take a bus to everything.

    Sweet of you to think about me. I have my 'ups and downs' now because I am in the middle of a divorce and will have to move to a new dwelling soon. So there may be days or even weeks when I will not be able to post or comment has much as I would like.

    Hugs & blessings!

  19. Its great how you took a normal occurrence and gave it a Sci-fi twist and came out with a tale that touches a raw nerve......

  20. Wow. What a great use of this prompt. I like the almost bitter edge to this writing. Really excellent.


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