Sunday, June 11, 2017

A Good June Sunday

Finally, I can write here again. It has been a slightly miserable session around here. I hate to give in to the monster ravishing my insides and fight to stay up, both physically and mentally. Some days I lose the battle, but today I am working on being up. That doesn’t mean I am energetic or full of zip or free from aches and body failures. It just means I am able to push through, to keep trying, to keep pretending life is normal!

Today I managed to cook and run the dishwasher which doesn’t sound like much. However, for me it is a push and a slow going at best. I made a pea salad and a lovely zucchini salad with vinegary bite! I also made Golden Burros. This is a made-up recipe that the SEK Living Magazine is going to publish soon. Years ago, when we were in Leadville, Colorado we had huge Golden Burros that a café was famous for. The boys loved them, and it was different at that time to us as we had little Hispanic food around us.  What made them a little different was potatoes inside along with meat and cheese. I am sure now they used green chili but I knew nothing of that then. So, I concocted a mix of canned chicken gravy with salsa, used mild sausage and hash browns. Today I made them for first time in years since boys left home. They are mild but good.

I also created a birthday card for a photographer friend; he will turn 70. I wanted a card no one else could send and built a birthday wish around cameras and such. I wrote my own poem quickly for it. (He dabbled in poetry at one time.) It feels good to design a project and carry it through right now when most things only happen in my head.

The Photographer

Hides his searching face behind a black box

While, like a winter squirrel digging secreted nuts,

he uncovers our buried selves in a frame.


He brings to light our dark fears and blue dreams,

Eposes even a rainbow of ourselves we don’t know exists.



He saves our past, captures our present,

stores the bits and pieces of our life’s crazy quilt

for the future to wonder over.


Other events this week have been a biopsy and Biscuit had to be sewn up from ripping herself on a fence nail-we think. After the family reunion which really tired me and before the biopsy, I did not need this.  We put a tee shirt on her to keep her from licking the stitches and she did not like it one bit. Changed her personality which was a worry. She did not eat or play and barely moved. But when we took it off she got rowdy and tore a stitch! Oh my, each day wore me slick!

Yesterday, Diane Yates had a book signing a few miles from me. Diane is president of OWL right now and is a lovely person besides a talented author. (Have you tried her Pathways of the Heart?) It was a push to get there but I wanted just a few minutes, and DH left his important shop toys to run me to the book store. So, worth it as being in Diane’s serene presence is soothing! Surely that helped make today better too!

The week ahead holds Biscuit’s stitches removal, dentist appointment, and I hope some lovely reading and thinking and writing days even! The air heats up and is becoming summer so time outside is limited for me. But I do love being among the flowers early in the morning-with tea of course. The world can’t be all bad if there is tea!


  1. Your 'quick poem' for your photographer friend will be a perfect gift.
    Tea, flowers and books sound blissful to me.
    I hope your week goes kindly.

  2. Claudia--That card will be a keeper. Your friend will keep it with the rest of his treasures, I'm sure.

    And that Biscuit. You've discovered--like we have--that dogs are money pits. But they're soooo worth it.

  3. So glad you were able to do some things that appealed to you as well as attend a book signing, too. It is wonderful when you have that spark of energy and creativity. Your poem is delightful and will surely be appreciated, definitely one of a kind. Your recipe sounds interesting and now, I will have to try it. Wishing you a good week.

  4. Hello Dear Bookie...

    So happy you had a really good day. Sorry for Bisquit's mishap. Hope she is recovering nicely. Also hope you are getting some thinking, reading and writing time in. Summer here, too, and the ultra hot days are NOT my kind of weather. I run for the air-conditioned living room. Take care. Glad to see you are trying to stay positive despite some negative circumstances. Thinking and praying for you, Claudia. Hugs. Susan

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