Monday, January 23, 2017

Testy January Day With Some Delightful Spots

Well, it was not a good day! Some days start off marching on the left foot and only way to correct it is to go back to bed and start over, which was not an option for me today. I have dreaded and actually been fearful of going to chemo this morning as I wondered what kind of side effects I would have this time. We had house and refrigerator set for a week of illness and laundry done up. Then I could not get chemo due to blood counts being so low. Where was the power of all that liver I ate? The red blood cells required a shot to build up which scares me due to the possibility of increased tumor growth. I don’t have much left they can pull out with a tumor!

When I got home, there was a package from blogger buddy in Australia!!!! (  It had this lovely tea cup that made her think of me…blue and orange with butterflies! It is lovely gift and thought; this writer has plenty on her own plate so really appreciate she made time for me! I set the splash of orange next to my orange fox. This picture taken and framed for me by a friend’s hubby.

So, I decided to stay up and push more. While a few snowmen still hover around the edges, I did away with the red tablecloth. This might be a mistake because the day is so bright and warm it is easy to forget we are still in January, still in winter and will probably face snow and more darkness. (I am not eager to face the spring tornadic stuff that poor Georgia faced this weekend!)

I decided to put out things that reminded me of the Santa Fe area. I have little but a few paper napkins and some red poppies on the new turquoise place mats remind me a little of that Northeastern corner of New Mexico we love so much. I don’t think I have seen a turquoise tea pot, but maybe that should be an item I could search for. The hunt is often more thrilling than obtaining the item.

Still trying to turn the tide of the day, I came to computer to put 2016 pictures all in a folder. I did and then lost them all. They are not to be found in this machine!!!! So I think I’m going to don a flannel nightgown, wait for evening to pass, and start all over tomorrow!  



  1. Hugs.
    And I love the fox. Such intelligent, family minded beautiful animals.
    Good luck. You are in the hearts of a lot of us.

  2. Claudia--I'm sorry you got yourself psyched for the chemo, but then they couldn't do it.

    I hope your method of "rebooting" works. Sometimes, the bed is the best place and when you wake up, things look a bit rosier...

  3. Flannel nightgown would be MY pick after the disappointments of the day ♥
    Here, it seems to never stop raining. And mornings have been clothed in fog.
    I head out for Tuesday morning's coffee with friends in a few minutes. Hope your morning comes with fresh energy for you, Claudia.

  4. Do you have an external hard drive? If so, your photos will be there.
    Glad you had another day for DOING, but sad your white cells are diminished. My friend swears by braunschweiger.

    I like the Southwest look, but turquoise is my favorite color. Wishing you a boost of energy and a build up of white cells. Also they told her not to drink tea. You might ask about that.

  5. What a beautiful gift from a beautiful, thoughtful person! I'm so sorry you are going through all this, but your outlook has been amazing and makes me admire you even more. You are always in my thoughts.

  6. Finally got around to blogging and your blog is the first for me to read... probably since November (since that's the last time I had posted a blog -- although I think I try and sneak a peak at yours ) I really rather write you a hand-written letter... you know, that's me. Right now I have a bit of a cold, I think and boy, I can't imagine what you're going through. I'm such a baby, just with a runny nose and headache. If you could only be so lucky, right? And then you blog!!!! Wow Claudia, you're amazing! Sending love your way. xo

  7. I'm so happy your getting up and about. It was so kind to get the surprise from your friend in Australia. Your blog inspires me and gives me the courage to face the problems I face in life and helps me realize what a precious gift life and dear friends are!


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