Saturday, January 14, 2017

I Am a Wee Bit Back!


January is half over and we sit inside waiting for ice. For two days, our warnings have been dire about ice, but Mother Nature has danced around the freezing point so we have some passable streets. Since I am not going out much anyway, I think a pretty snow would be nice instead. But…we take what we get. I just hope one more day will put us past the severe ice danger and damage.

Inside the house does have snowmen. I put little out for Christmas this year due to health reasons, but still I only put away part of it. I could not bear the thoughts of silk spring flowers and rabbits yet. I also did not want to see bare winter dullness, icy scenes. So, I compromised and left out lots of reds, lots of cheerful snowmen, and winter tea pots.

I also dragged out some of my favorite blue and whites. They comfort me so.

I did a new chemo two days after Christmas and while still in the midst of surgery healing. It was hard and devastating for 12 days. So, the last few days as it has lifted, but I return on January 23 for more (sort of like hitting your own head with a hammer and knowing it is coming!). With these better days DH has helped me and together we put house back together to face next round. We/he swept floors, put out clean kitchen tablecloths, vacuumed up dog hair, wiped down refrigerator and did up laundry. Doesn’t sound exciting I know, but it is thrilling to someone who has not been able to wipe up a thing for long while. We often take so much for granted and don’t realize how delightful a wet sponge in our hand is until we can’t do it anymore!

There has been writing here, not even a blog page for nearly two months. That is sad, but I do still reach for your blogs to read when I can even if I don’t leave a comment. I am glad you dear pals are out there!

Reading is hard too, but I am reading a little on the better days. Right now, I am reading My Brothers’ Keeper. This is collection of bios of Christians that saved Jews during the Holocaust even at the expense of their own lives. Yes, it could be seen as a dark book, but I am so uplifted to know these people existed. I hope that our world still has such giving and principled people.

This is about all I can write today. Thank you all again for continued prayers and support. I hope you all are warm and safe and happy on this winter’s day!


  1. Claudia--It's so good to see your post pop up. I hope you have more good days--without any dangerous ice--until you have your next treatment. (Your blue and white plates really are cheerful-looking.

  2. Helloooo Claudia! Enjoy your reprieve until your next round. Dust if you must, but do something you want to do, not have to do. I absolutely love those blue dishes.

  3. Dear Claudia. Was SO HAPPY to see your post. The snowmen are darling. I hate that you have to do that wretched chemo but, if it's life saving, guess it's worth it. But if only I could take some of your pain and discomfort, I would. I do pray for you daily and ask God to help you. Chilly here....very chilly....but no ice. We MIGHT get it if it comes this way from the midwest. Fireplace is ready! (Thanks to my hubs.) Take care, dear Claudia. Know that you are in my thoughts, heart and prayers. Susan

  4. So tickled to "see" you back on my dashboard!

    I don't know for sure that January seems to be dominated by the color blue ... but I much prefer your crimson splotches. Cheerier, definitely.

  5. 'Twas SO good to read these lines from you - and see your photos...
    Yes! We don't realize how much the little things mean until we can't do them or no longer have them, etc.
    Will be thinking of/praying for you as you prepare for the next round of treatment.
    My season of life involves serving the two men in my life. Now that Dad has come to live with us, I am finding more pleasure in meal prep and housekeeping than I've experienced in years (probably since the first year of married life, LOL)! Never expected this, but I am content. ♥

  6. Claudia! I check back here hoping to see a new post and I was rewarded today! I'm so glad you felt well enough to blog a little. I love your snowman. He has a jaunty look about him. :) You remain in my thoughts and prayers.


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