Friday, October 28, 2016

A Little Respite

I'm coming back from chemo yet once again. This time the first plan is finished I have will have some extra days before doing CAT scans to see what is next. I should have some better days and already can feel more of my feet! Unfortunately many days will be scheduled with other appointments to work in during the chemo moratorium. Meanwhile I am grateful for any and everything including the beautiful sunshine...although I do hate waking up in the dark mornings!

Although still warm out, I feel like soups! Yesterday I made my Panera Potato Soup. The cream cheese was a little lumpy but hey, there is no bad cream cheese right? It wasn't a pretty soup, but was mighty tasty. I have things ready for a lentil soup now. It is a very simple soup with no meat although you can toss some in if you like. But it is a healthy and flavorful soup.

DH has been trying to teach Biscuit to respond to a No Talking command about barking. She refuses to learn and she is smart enough to know what she is doing for sure. Finally this week Biscuit just earned herself a second name: Chief Talks A Lot. She barks (talks) at us constantly this week and ignores the commands! I would show pictures but my equipment is not working right.

It seems my body isn't the only thing failing here. Vacuum sweeper on blitz. Washer runs at half power. Dog and Man tore up the screen door. One stool refuses to flush properly. My desk top has  quit and now my laptop is giving me grief. So nothing profound or exciting here today, but just had to reach out to Blog Land somehow. Maybe I can read some blogs again and until I can write for real, have a delightful last weekend in October!!!


  1. Claudia--And your blog friends holler "Hey" back at ya.

    Perhaps if your laptop is not cooperating, maybe you could do some sketching of some characters you plan to write about? Or read a great book?

    I hope you have a bunch of good days ahead of you...

  2. Look after yourself.
    And enjoy the soups and the sunshine. Both sound blissful.

  3. Hi Bookie. Hope this round will be better. Holding you in white light, praying for your full recovery. Susan

  4. Oh potato soup is my favorite. I am so glad to hear you have a little energy and break in chemo. My prayers are your CAT scans come back good. Sassy dog? Maybe she's trying to tell you something. Enjoy the weekend, my friend. Sorry about the innefficient appliances...headaches you do not need.

  5. Dear Claudia...

    Thinking, thinking, thinking of you and praying, too.
    How's it going, my friend? Hope your Halloween was not too spooky. Hugs. Susan

  6. Sending love as always... and it's always good to hear from you. I'm amazed at your strength and that you blog... I can't seem to get it together to post. ACK. Take good care of yourself. xo

  7. I've been craving soup also, and my dog is just acting weird! Take care of yourself and I'm sending thoughts and prayers your way.

  8.'s November! How are YOU? Biscuit? Desk top? Vacuum sweeper?

    Can't believe how time is passing! It's been 3 weeks since my father moved in with us. We're settling into a kind of routine and enjoying ourselves!

  9. I am sure it is just a phase which will pass soon n everything will be good n positive in your life dear .
    Stay calm n brave n don't let anything ruine your Hope and Faith .

  10. It is definitely soup weather! It stayed hot here for so long that I held out, but last week and this week I said "to heck with it" and put soups on the home menu. And now, finally, the weather has caught up with me by cooling off. :) Spicy broccoli soup last week, as well as New England clam chowder, and this week a new chicken soup recipe I've yet to try. Hoping it's as good as it sounds.


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