Sunday, September 4, 2016

Friends, Some Silver and Some Gold

When I was in first grade and having trouble with a little girl friend, my mother tried to teach me how to deal with people. She said I would meet lots of friendly people, some not so friendly, and that a person was lucky if in a lifetime they made ONE best friend that lasted.

I guess I was extra lucky because I have met and kept many friends. I have numerous besties too! During these last few months I really learned who would stay and help bail the water out of this sinking boat! They have driven miles to see me, taken care of things I needed, and much more.
I had a best of friends in college. We are polar opposites! I don’t know how we ever stayed friends. She is athletic and no patience for a pansy. You guessed it, I am a pansy of the grandest sort, and I am NOT athletic. Yet here we are almost 50 full years later and she has been at my bedside-literally. She came to the hospital every day, calls now after chemo, and shows up to visit when I feel like it. I love her so!

For over a quarter of a century, another friend and I have stayed in touch. We lived on the same street for about eleven years I think. We walked together every day; we agonized together over raising all boys! We shared books. She always has had such appreciation for my writing—makes me feel worthy!  During this rough time she has texted me every single day with some prayer or perk or thought as she continues to pray daily for me. Sadly enough, she has been sick too through this. She is a best friend of the highest sort.

When DH and I were newlyweds, we moved to St. Louis to a duplex while he worked at McDonnell Douglass Aircraft. I taught as Hazelwood High School. At one point we youngsters held four jobs between us so we could return “home” and buy a house to rear a family. After about one year, another set of newlyweds moved next door. While we grew up in Kansas, they grew up in St. Genevieve, Missouri so we were all from small towns.  We shared meals, played games together in evenings, “reared” our doggies together. We moved back to the Kansas/Missouri border area and eventually they spent a few years in Finland. Still we maintained our friendship getting together every three years or so to fish, canoe, macrame, craft, moan about rearing four boys between us! They just made the drive to have lunch with us yesterday. That is one long drive from St. Louis and back just for lunch! They also brought two ice chests of groceries from The Hill in St. Louis. DH and I are set for Italian food this winter. They have made our life richer for years!

We love all these people. What would we do without friends? I am so fortunate to have these good friends and many more! 

The day after Labor Day, I will go to chemo again so page might be silent for a while...please don't give up on me! 


  1. Claudia--You are indeed fortunate to have so many good friends. I enjoyed hearing about some of those friends, and am so glad you felt good enough to tap out a post.

    I will be thinking about you tomorrow and during the days following your treatment.

  2. Good friends HAVE good friends. As you do.
    I will continue to hold you in my heart.

  3. Good friends make life wonderful.

  4. I can only be by your side through the airwaves and in your heart, but know my thoughts and love are with you. You are a brave, sensitive and caring (to name only a few traits)friend. What a thoughtful (that's another) thing to do--to feature your BFFs. xoxo

  5. You are so blessed and so deserving. Kick the heck out of the big C tomorrow. Wishing you energy and peace.

  6. You are so blessed and so deserving. Kick the heck out of the big C tomorrow. Wishing you energy and peace.

  7. Beautiful post, Claudia! And I'm so happy to see so many recent posts, because that shows you've been feeling well enough to type away on your computer or laptop! I'll definitely be thinking of you tomorrow....actually that will be later today. It is almost 4:00 AM and I haven't been to sleep yet tonight. I'm just not tired! Sending hugs and prayers....

  8. I will be thinking of/praying for you tomorrow. I enjoyed reading the descriptions of these friends. You truly are a blest woman ♥

  9. You are so very blessed to have such loving and caring friends. I agree with some of the other comments that when you "are" one, you have many! Sending prayers and good thoughts for your treatment and recovery!

  10. Lovely friends you have! YAY to them and you! Sending love your way....

  11. Dear Claudia...I am sure all your friends love you with a passion. You are a wonderful human being and I am blessed to know you through blogland. GOOD LUCK tomorrow. I will be thinking and praying for you. Hugs. Susan

  12. It is a blessing to have friends, for sure. I'm so glad that you have your core group there able to help you when you need it, Claudia. Sorry that you have more chemo to deal with, my friend, but many prayers that it does its job well. Sending warm hugs to you.


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