Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Chair Happiness

"Happiness is a thing you cannot cut off in chunks or yard lengths," wrote Gladys Taber. For me, happiness can be a real good chair, one that holds a body like a safe cocoon.

In early spring we planned to replace my family room chair. Then disaster hit and I was too sick to do it. While at my sickest and sitting so much, the chair was actually uncomfortable. So while I was up and before Tuesday’s chemo again, we ran to our favorite chair store where I have bought the last five chairs in this house.

I go there because the store is family-owned and the wife fits chairs like salesmen used to fit shoes! When I bought my office chair she asked me to trust her with a chair where my feet don’t quit touch the floor. It is a recliner and she said I might sleep in it (and I did while sick!) and it was a perfect fit for my short legs and wide behind. Best chair I have ever sat in (slept in) and wanted exact same chair for family room now.

Once again she Vicki guided me well. I was close to choosing a recliner with a slight rock. She said the rock thrust me forward in the sitting position and warned me against any movement while battling with chemo. She was right of course, my insides needed stillness not any shifting or motion. I brought home the chair she picked and it was a perfect fit!

Do you have a favorite chair?


  1. I do have a chair at the moment, but soon will be in the market for a "favorite" chair. (That, after I repair or replace my laptop, get a new cell phone, and a new refrigerator.) Sigh.

  2. How lovely to hear about a saleswoman who knows her product. And cares about her customers.
    I do indeed have a favourite chair. Supportive and a wonderful place to snuggle in and read.

  3. I have a "Cracker Barrel" rocking chair that's my usual chair. It's not good to sleep in, but it's okay to sit on while I write...

  4. It's hard to find a chair that is just right , my lounge is just right but my armchair is just not quite there.

  5. My padded office chair is so comfy, I often sit too long. Glad you found something that suits you. Kudos to the sales person.

  6. My padded office chair is so comfy, I often sit too long. Glad you found something that suits you. Kudos to the sales person.

  7. Why yes, I do ... and I'm looking at it at the top of your post! :)

    I seriously had to do a double-take when I saw your picture, because 'your' chair looks exactly like one I enjoyed when I lived in Texas. Can't recall whatever became of it, but when we were recliner shopping last year I had this in mind ... and of course, couldn't find anything with a high back and sides. Your saleslady doesn't happen to deliver to Phoenix does she? LOL!

  8. I can honestly say I've never heard of a "chair fitter," but how cool that you found one! I'm glad you have a comfy spot. They're hard to find.

  9. I'm so glad you have a comfy chair, Claudia! I USED to have a favorite chair that I bought in 2011. It is a recliner that is smaller than usual and fit my short self just perfectly. I didn't even let anyone else sit in it, because there is a weight-limit on it. It looks more like a side chair with arms. Anyway....when Ron had knee surgery, twice...and then lung surgery, and then in the hospital for another week because of pneumonia...he completely took over my beloved chair and it's never been the same since! I'll be getting a couple of new ones sometime... His and Hers!


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