Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Holding Up

Five years ago a friend invited me to be part of an exercise group she was starting at her church.  It was simple exercises provided by a stroke program at the hospital and some kindergarten dancing to raise heart rate. About ten women came for an hour each Thursday and then retired to the Common Room to have tea. A strong support group was the result where women cried, laughed, cussed and discussed, and bonded together. We have been and are THERE for each other. This is what we humans were meant to do.

When this group heard my diagnosis  on Memorial Day weekend last May, they met at their church and prayed for me. They prayed hard and never stopped. They, along with others, brought food, sent cards, wrote notes, called my husband. A fire brigade of news went from one to another every time there was a development, which for a long time was a dark and depressing development usually.

Four months later they are still with me. A note today one wrote from her morning meditation time says today, "For your friends who love you, you have become our poster child for HOPE! We know that God loves you and is in control. Watching you suffer we know there is a larger meaning to life. Thank you for carrying this burden for us...please don't give up. Lean on God, lean on us as you become this new person..."

In the face of such support, of such confirmation, how I can I do anything less than go forth, accept, and meet head on whatever I have to face each day?


  1. What wonderful people surround you!

  2. And Claudia, you have lots of people who have never met you, but know you through your writing, and are pulling for you.

  3. Your reach has always been far with your blog writing, but since your illness, your life is touching people across the world. Prayers and hugs.

  4. Your courage and positive spirit have reached western Massachusetts, too, my dear Bookie. Daily prayers for you rise up humbly, too, joining all the armies of people who love you. Keep fighting. Hugs, Susan

  5. What wonderful friends you have supporting you. When my friend had cancer, we took her to the beauty shop, where another friend of ours did the same thing you did…removed her hair. My friend said it felt empowering to take control of the situation. By the way, that was nearly 10 years ago, and she is still doing fine. Her cancer was a fast-growing kind…but she triumphed. Sounds like you are planning to do the same!

    I will keep you in my prayers, added to the many these good women are already saying.


  6. Claudia, how lovely.... keeping on keeping on. I love your pictures in your previous posts. Here, you have cancer and can blog and I have no excuse whatsoever and haven't posted anything since... egads, July. I haven't been on blogs either, hence, when I finally got to it just now, I was so surprised to see that you have been posting and I feel awful for not knowing or taking the time to read. But, it is what it is. I may have to wait until tomorrow to post a blog on my own blogsite... ack, we'll see. You take care and stay in God's loving arms.

  7. You are definitely a strong woman, Claudia. I feel bad thinking of the little things I've complained about for months and months. It's hard sometimes, though, not to write about it because we know that's part of the healing process, too. Sending you big hugs!


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