Friday, May 27, 2016

Goodbyes Aren't Easy

When I started this blog seven years ago, I meant it to be a personal journal, a diary of sorts for myself. I vowed to find only possible things even for myself. Then I began to meet people, nice people. The first was Donna V and I can’t remember how I found her. Then Becky...Linda…Rebecca…Susan…Lisa…Lynn…Sioux and many more. I actually met a couple face to face! Some left comments, some sent emails, and some read in silence. I enjoyed you all.

John in Wales if you are reading today thanks for being an “over the water” friend. One of my favorite weekends was when DH and I took you three Europeans to Roaring River, Eureka Springs, and Branson. I saw the places with new eyes. I remember you were a little sick and felt for you.
But this week, my world crashed. I got very sick and had to go to the hospital. I am home again but not for long. I have cancer, one of the worst with no hope. Now my time must be spent tending to wrapping up a life. If you are a writer, you know that means among other things hundreds of folders for research, new ideas, and manuscripts! I never knew this office was SO full of paper!

I have loved you all and would still listen if you wanted to speak on my email: bookwoman1015 AT I might be able to check in here now and then, but I doubt I can write much or would have anything interesting to say.

So, for now, I will say goodbye and see what comes along for me, maybe some beauty in the line of chaos. 


  1. Oh, dear Claudia, I am so sorry. This post nearly broke my heart.
    You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Bless you and your family.

  2. Claudia. My dear friend, I am heartbroken for you. Know that you have made a difference in my life and any others. God bless you. Hugs.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Dearest Bookie.....

    NOOOOOOO. That is not what I wanted to read on your post today.

    Oh, my dear friend, what totally devastating news. What kind of cancer is it?

    I know you have had some health challenges but this? This is devastating news.

    Dear Claudia. I am at a loss for words at this time. But my thoughts, prayers and heart are all with you. Hugs. Susan

  5. I prayed right away when I read this, for healing for you. Take care dear blog friend, this is sad news.

  6. Oh my goodness, NO!!! Please know that prayer warriors have your back (and your cancer). Don't give in or up, dear unseen but beloved poet and blogger friend. I feel like we are soooooo close to have never met. xoxoPL

  7. I am so very sorry. Heartfelt hugs and oceans of caring. You are in my heart.

  8. Claudia!
    I sense your devastation.
    It's natural, I'm sure.
    I hope you'll take your time to weigh the situation, then get good counsel and make life-nurturing decisions at every crossroad.
    Gather the well-wishes; accept the extensions of good wishes and prayers.
    Let others help carry the load and open yourself to the healing possible at so many levels.

  9. Dear Claudia,
    I'm so sorry to hear about your illness. I read in an earlier post you were sick, but I didn't know how bad it is.
    I've always enjoyed your posts about your travels and your wonderful photos.
    For the book launch of Storm Country, it was my honor to meet you in person finally! What was so great was that the anthology came about because of your idea -- your inspiration for writers to do something to help the tornado victims. You have always been one to think of others. Please know I will pray for your health and healing and peace.
    God bless you, my dear friend.
    Please let me know if there is anything I can do.

  10. Sending you healing wishes and blessings of peace and comfort as you deal with your diagnosis and all that entails.

  11. Dearest Claudia, I am stunned....and in disbelief. Please do not give up, as others have said. I will pray and fight for you, as long as it takes....and please, you do the same. I love you like a sister.

  12. Dear Claudia,

    You are a beautiful writer with a beautiful soul. You ALWAYS have something interesting to say, and many people who care about you and your words. Praying for you and sending love.

  13. In my thoughts and prayers. You are an inspiration to other writers and to all who have the pleasure of knowing you. Sending love your way.

  14. In my thoughts and prayers. You are an inspiration to other writers and to all who have the pleasure of knowing you. Sending love your way.

  15. Claudia, I'm so sad to hear this! I'm a prayer warrior and I'll keep you close to my heart. Sending you love and prayers and many blessings!

  16. Claudia - I've been back to this post probably ten times since I first read it, hoping to see something different each time. Nothing prepares us for that kind of news. I've sent you an email, but wanted to be heard here as well. You've been a long-distance friend, an encourager, and an inspiration. Thank you. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. xo Lisa

  17. Prayers coming your way for peace, strength, courage, and healing.

    Critter Alley

  18. Claudia--Please send me your home address. My email is

  19. So sorry for the devastating news. I don't think we've met in person, but I've always loved your writing, so know your work had an impact on my heart. Even the last line of your post was beautiful "some beauty in the line of chaos." You are in my thoughts and prayers.


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