Saturday, April 16, 2016

Change and Spring Again

For years, I unloaded most of the deck, sealed it, and reloaded most of it again. Then things changed in retirement. DH took over the sealing part.  This spring another change happened as we had to adjust how much we take off the deck. It is getting to be too big a job. DH can still lift the bird baths off the side, but soon that will not happen either. This year we moved the big pieces on the deck and I took off smaller things, sealed half, moved again and sealed other half, and replaced things as they should be for summer. It took us three days and we both were tired!

But the good part is we are ready with open deck a little earlier than usual. We found a few days with just right temps and went for it. I also sorted flower pots this year, gave up old and worn ones. Am thinking the years of HUGE amounts of flowers are gone as well. Not only are they time consuming, but they are more expensive. I bought garden seeds this week at $2 a package!

My wooden chairs are coming apart, rotting to pieces. DH glued on legs and backs, and he repaired wooden birdhouses too.  I have decided to use my grandparents’ metal chairs as the wooden ones deteriorate.  These chairs are 60 years old, and I painted one a lovely yellow last year which worked well. I could not get the same shade this year so I jumped into neon green. It works for now. The green chair by a red geranium reminds me of William Carlos Williams' poetry!


Here in our area we are way short on rain for this year so far. I know we need the rain, but I am grateful for this taste of lovely weather and the time to work outside. We even ate on the deck yesterday. I so appreciate being outside and know someday I won’t be able to do these things. But for now, YEA!!!


  1. Lots of work there - but it has paid dividends. You have created a lovely place to be.

  2. Yes, we are making adjustments in retirement too. I like the green color that you painted the chair. We need more rain here, but enjoy the sunny days and cheer when it rains.

  3. Claudia--It sounds like you and your husband will be able to navigate through your "golden years" with ease and grace... because you two are great at figuring out how to make do. And how to compromise.

  4. Decks, like swimming pools, require lots of maintenance. I don't have either one, but lots of folks do. As long as we don't sit down for very long at a time--except to write, of course, we'll do OK. Your plants are stunning.

  5. Awwwwww, Bookie. Would love to sit on your deck with you and enjoy the great outdoors. Looks lovely. Great job! Susan

  6. What a lovely respite place with such exciting and soothing images. I want a small wooden chair to put under a tree. I love your little chair.

  7. What a lovely respite place with such exciting and soothing images. I want a small wooden chair to put under a tree. I love your little chair.

  8. I envy all the work you've done...and the wonderful results you'll enjoy. At this rate, you'll be eating a picnic on your deck, Claudia, while we're still shoveling snow off our deck!
    Colorado Springs got 9" of snow two days ago while I was in Ft. Scott with my mom while she got stronger after a bout with pneumonia. When I heard of the snow (this is extreme, even for us) I was glad I could take Mom for a ride since she enjoys the bright green of winter wheat in the fields this time of year.
    You'll have a wonderful time enjoying all the work you've done, Claudia.

  9. I covet that purple planter! You've done a lovely job creating a peaceful space. Do you write out there? Is that where those wonderful poems are born?

  10. Hi Claudia! I love seeing photos of your deck and flowers every year! I, too, love to be outdoors as much as possible and this spring has been gorgeous so far. My iris buds are just about to pop open! I don't remember if I posted photos of them on my blog last year...I'll have to look back and see, and if not, I'll definitely do so this year. Wish I could sit there with you, too.....or you here with me!


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