Thursday, March 3, 2016

Friday Again and Book Blurb #4

                      It's time for Sioux's Friday Book Blurb #4. This week I aimed for non-fiction.  

Go to Sioux's page at for complete rules on how to participate and links to other writers' stories based on the photo. 

                                           Native Americans and the Railroads

Spencer Bowling spent ten years researching how the railroads stretched themselves west and how they invaded the landscape changing it forever. At first he took the angle of railroads being a powerful new technology that would improve the country’s commerce and wealth.

But then, he kept running across documents and newspaper articles that echoed the thoughts of the Native American opinion. They resented the Black Beast and knew it would increase the numbers of White Men taking away their homes, eliminating their food sources, and trying to wipe their culture out completely.

When Bowling saw this new angle of thought, he switched gears and began to tell the story of the railroads from the Red Man’s perspective. With the 21st Century’s loud rants on immigration and walls and rights, it behooves readers to stop a minute and read Bowling’s well written book. 


  1. Claudia--I love the line about the tracks "invading" the landscape. And I knew you'd do something wonderful with this photo, as much as you're drawn to the west and the prairie...

    Please don't forget to add your link tomorrow. I don't want others to miss out on yours.

    Thanks for participating, and have a great weekend.

  2. I love this and the idea that you presented something nonfiction.

  3. Giving the voiceless a voice, even though in print. Commendable.

  4. Excellent post, Claudia. We had one Native American family that lived near us when I was growing up. My mom traded sour dough bread for fresh eggs from the wife's hen house, and the oldest boy raised 4-H cattle, and my dad always bought one at the fair.
    The grandfather had lost both legs in a railroad accident, and he spent his days hand making wooden rocking horses, and on demand, rocking railroad engines. They were very cute, with a bell to ring, but each had Black Beast painted on the side. He sold them through a gift shop in Oklahoma. He never talked about what had happened.

  5. Hi Claudia.
    True that trains changed more than just the landscape. They changed entire lives as they rumbled along the tracks until they disappeared into the horizon. Loved your piece on them. Well done! Susan


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