Friday, May 22, 2015

Chilly Friday

The weather here has been rainy and now it has turned chilly too. The combination of skies loaded with gloomy grayness and damp, chilly air reminds me too much of winter! While I write in winter, spring is a time to be outdoors for flowers, tea drinking, or books in a golden sunshine that makes me feel toasty and happy. Right now I seem to be caught between two worlds!

The new issue of The Writer carries an Isak Dinesen quote: “All sorrows can be borne if you put them in a story or tell a story about them.” Doesn’t that capture both storytelling and Dinesen? Remember how telling stories was such a power in Out of Africa? It has been a long time since I watched this movie. Maybe a chilly Friday night might be the time to get it out and watch again!

Last week storyboard magazine put up an essay of mine. You can read it here if you like (or not) and I would love comments!  Storyboard believes in the power of story and in supporting writers. Take a look if you would like to write one of their themed writings. They are fun to work with on anything!

                                                             Black Mambas


  1. I loved your essay. Thank you. Isak Dinesen wrote beautifully - but goodness didn't she lead a messy life. Lots and lots of sorrows to be borne. And how lucky that her way to deal with them gave us the gift of her writing.

  2. Loved your story, which goes to prove kids can benefit from what they think they don't like. This was a great post. Congratulations on the publication credit.

  3. I believe I'll go get Shane and let that be my night's reading. I never read it, and don't remember if I saw the movie. If so, I don't remember it. Great teaching technique, you smart girl! And a great post. Thanks for letting us "see" your publication. And congratulations. PL

  4. Hi Claudia....Chilly here, too, but sunny at least. Will read the story when I get back from running around town. Susan

  5. Congratulations on yet another publication! (I'll read it tomorrow afternoon.) We're between two worlds here, too. It WAS beautiful today! Not too cold; not too hot. Just right.

  6. What a wonderful Dinesen quote, Claudia. And it's so very true; writing has lightened some of my darkest moments.
    For some reason, when I click on your link for Storyboard, it just sits and spins. I'll try again, but in the meantime, congratulations on publishing another essay!


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