Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Here Comes 2015!

Here we are on the threshold of a new year. I am quite ready to move on, to put 2014 to rest. There was no tree here this year and I have already stored the Santas again. I did leave out some snowmen and a favorite winter tea pot. I also set out white tulips which is something my mother-in-law did for January every year. I also found a place for three peasant dolls she made years ago. She was one of three sisters, and I always wondered if she thought of them as she stitched up these dolls.

Our house was back in order by Christmas which was a relief. There are a few things left to tend to…some things to find that were stored and seem to have vanished in a cardboard box somewhere deep in a closet! However, my mother-in-law fell and broke her hip for Christmas which changed travel plans and the day’s events. Also my mother was so sick with flu she would not have us in, but passed gifts through the door. It was also the first Christmas after my sister’s divorce and the pain was still palpable in the room despite gift wrapping and bows and good things. I now truly understand the elephant in the room concept.

But we are now ready to move on. Time to return to routines…exercise, work, cleaning, writing, eating right…the list of shoulds goes on and on. The house smells wonderful this morning as the fragrance of posole loaded with onions and green chilies floats through the rooms. It slowly replaces the aroma of Christmas cinnamon, chocolate and sugar. The windows steam as it is cold outside. I have a new book for inspiring writing that I’ve  hoarded for a special time to break open the cover. The title alone is a shocker: Bullies, Bastards, and Bitches. It is about writing the bad guys!

So here we are, ready to spring into 2015. I wish everyone a Happy New Year!


  1. Your poor m-in-law and mother. I hope that both are well and truly on the mend now.
    Love your tulips and peasant dolls and that book sounds intriguing. A review perhaps when you have finished it?
    A very Happy New Year to you and yours - filled with love and laughter.

  2. Enjoy the book, and may you write often and prolifically in 2015.

  3. I found a tanka in your post:
    "storing/ Santas/ for/ another/ year"--May 2015 hold blessings galore for you and DH. And may we both outdo ourselves in the writing arena. xoxo

  4. Is there a story behind the white tulips, or was it just her "thing?" Why white tulips. They're lovely! Hope your mom is feeling better, and that your sister finds her happiness again in 2015. God bless!

  5. Happy New Year! Hope your mom and MIL are doing better.

    I am ready to change my décor/so long holiday stuff and hello seashells and beach scenes.


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