Thursday, October 2, 2014

Taos on Day Three

Nightfall found is in Taos where we stayed at the Taos Inn, a set of old adobe buildings right across from the town square. There is a patio eating, inside restaurant, and a bar as well. This is a known place for the Taos people to linger. We were so tired by the time we reached here, we did not avail ourselves of much. We checked in and then walked across the street to eat at a balcony restaurant, and then walked back to it in the bar/lounge to listen to the night’s music. Unfortunately, DH does not like bluegrass and that was the choice that night. The group was very good and we stayed a while before heading straight to bed.

We were going on to Santa Fe but not before driving out to the Rio Grande Gorge Bridge. We had seen it before but were looking for some favorite vendors that set up there. We got into a long, backed up line. Finally we were told it would be two more hours at least since someone had just jumped off the bridge. The rescue units were there already. So sad, and we turned back.

We caught sight of a sign: Red Willow Farmer’s Market and we followed the directions out to near the Taos Pueblo. Of a dirt road, tucked into some bushes and small trees was an open market of about seven vendors. Such interesting things…some beautiful carrots!!! So tasty and sweet. I bought some parched blue corn for posole and the most delightful gal gave me a recipe to use. She gave me tips on how to use blue corn flour too. My one effort at posole was not very good, but I will give this new recipe a try.

Then we headed out of town on the Taos High Road. It is so, so beautiful this drive. Slow and easy…air clean and pure…clouds that look like you could wrap your arms around them. 


  1. What a glorious trip you are taking us on. Thank you.
    And yes, sorry for the jumper - and his/her family.

  2. It IS terrible when people are driven to take their life.

    (Those last two photos would make great notecards. The sky...the landscape--gorgeous.)

  3. Sounds great, Claudia.

    Recently had blue corn pudding but uh uh. Didnt like it. ha!

    Looking forward to your descriptions of Santa Fe. Thought that was a great city. Loved all the art galleries. But the goods everywhere were e-x-p-e-n-s-i-v-e for our budget. Susan

  4. Long ago I walked part way across the Gorge bridge and had to crawl back. Your road trips are delightful to read about. Thanks for taking us along.


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