Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Blogger is Being Mean

For several days now, I can't see my blog list. It gives me ONE at a time, says "View More" and then won't let me see them. GRRRRRRRRRR

I know Elephant's Child blog is having same trouble...anyone else....any ideas...just drop Blogger? I thought they could fix by now.

I am wondering if my own is being blinded from others.Anyway, if you are not hearing from me, I can't see your blog without digging deep and then sometimes I can't even then. Ah, the joys of modern living.....


  1. Hi Bookie, Well I am having the same problem....started late morning (EST). I decided to use the rolling blog feature, which displays the most recently published blogs you list in it (shows date/time stamp). It's not a great workaround for long lists, but you can select from your own list - no typing involved). I'm getting upset at the scope of this issue and the lack of response! But I am slowly trying to catch up...love your Monday photo, which is peeking at me as I write this, but I still have to visit! Vickie

  2. Sorry, Claudia, no help from me. I dumped Blogger for WordPress last year. Good luck with it!

  3. no advice. I only understand blogger if its working well. If not, I am at a loss. I also want to dump it for wordpress but it seems like so much work. Hope it straightens itself out.

  4. Mine's OK this morning! How about yours? I'm not going to be quick to leave blogger. Overall, it's been good with me :)

    I DON'T like the newer formats that many are using - where you have to hit an arrow to "read more", etc. But that's just me...

  5. Your post comes up on my blogger Blogger dashboard, which shows my numbers, under that information. Like I said yesterday, I love BlogSpot. I use the Simple template and post only once a week usually. There WAS one hitch early on: I wanted two blogs--one prose, one poetry, and somehow, Blogger named them similarly. Now my prose blog is Pitty Patter and my original poetry blog is pitty patter. The urls are different, but close. I decided to leave it that way. My friends use wordpress and it seems much more flashy, but for now, I'm staying with BlogSpot.

  6. When I get back from a trip, I'm going to check out Word Press and see if I like it better. If I do, I'll let you know and help you through it, if you want. Or I'm sure you're smart enough to do it also... what will it hurt to try?

  7. Hi Bookie. Same thing happened here. Couldn't view the other blogs on my roll. But it's all good now. Got to see yours and catch up! Susan


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