Sunday, May 4, 2014

A Weekend of Ups and Downs--Literally

DH is putting in new windows. There is sheetrock all over the house—again. If one term described the last forty years of my life, I think it would be sheetrock dust!

 But this weekend was the city wide garage sale. While we have never been, we did go this year and were hunting some furniture for a relative. No one had what we were looking for, but of course, we did find tiny treasures to drag home! The sad part of the story is we came home where I stepped in a hole that DH had dug next to the driveway (another story!). I had my arms loaded and did some damage by falling, breaking some of the goodies, not to mention the great pain I caused me! However I never broke anything ON myself.

Some sales actually started on Friday night so on one of my “go for runs” to Lowes, I made some extra stops. I found some great chairs. I know, I do not NEED chairs, but something about chairs, purses, shoes, books, and dishes calls to me. Luckily, DH was not with me to dampen my fun; he does not understand a craze for chairs.

The first one is mahogany and solid as a rock…for $5. Now that is a bargain. The other one is what caught my eye first and it was more, but very reasonable. Did I dare tote TWO home?

If you are of a certain age, you will remember this style of oak chair as standard for teachers of the 1950s. How many times have students leaned on the wooden arms watching teacher check those newly challenging division problems? The seller told me his dad was principal of a country school and this was his chair. Then when the son began to teach, he used it for a few years, but he was downsizing; it had to go. As we talked and remembered…he came down another $5 and that chair was ridiculously low. It came home too.
For one dollar I added this dash of Blue Willow to the purchases. It was a great shopping adventure, better than what my Saturday would be!

The basket I bought for $3 is now smashed, but DH found this Blue Willow perk for $2. Not the Occupied Japan we love, but it is a pretty blue and new…but a tiny new dust collector!

Today, DH continues hammering on the side of the house. After lunch on the deck that included freshly cut lettuce and kale, I turned on the AC because it is now 90 degrees outside. A little too warm for this time of year. However, just right for the Mama Robin who is now feeding her brood.


  1. I am so sorry about your fall - but glad that you only damaged 'things' rather than yourself.
    Love the baby robin. Insistent isn't it?

  2. Great treasures, and that baby bird is darling!

  3. I hope you're not aching too badly. You got some great treasure this weekend. What cute little birdie. How I remember those teacher chairs.

  4. I was impressed with all your finds until I got to the baby bird, and then all my comments flew out the window. What a sweet little thing. We had a bird nest on our porch last year in one on the hanging baskets. I thought it wasn't the safest choice, but all the babies seemed to like it!

  5. I TOTALLY understand your fascination for old chairs, Claudia! I love them so much that years ago I created a line of "Sit Awhile" chair greeting cards in a watercolor painting class. The instructor had everyone else painting big pictures of colorful fruit, and I was painting 4x6" cards of wooden chairs on pieces of carpet!
    We each know what we like, right?

    Be careful stepping around those holes, Claudia!

  6. I'm so glad you were not injured. Love your "finds" and I especially love the blue vase. That little birdie is such a cutie too!

  7. Great birdie photo, Bookie. You got him real close-up.

    Gosh, you know what? I had no idea you had a penchant for chairs. The ones you found are quite cool.

    Thanks for all your sweet visits and comments. You are a dear. Susan

  8. Sorry I missed this - now I see what you mean about your basket. Oh, I would NOT have been able to pass up that oak, teacher's chair either! Very nice!


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