Sunday, April 27, 2014

Sunday Morning

It is a salt and pepper day…that is it is one of light and dark. The early morning was warm and bright, perfect for starting the day with a tea pot! We watched the dark ease in like pudding on a child’s face, spreading over the sky. Eventually a few sprinkles forced us in a bit while we watch skies with a forecast of possible tornadoes today.
But those first few hours were perfect. Eventually we toted out breakfast pushing tea stuff aside to make room for two Blue Willow platters. I had one, but we found another at an estate sale for $2.50 yesterday morning. This year, these huge, round platters will acts as plates. We can load up the meal inside and carry one each out to the deck without hauling out many bowls. It will work, don’t you think?
First lettuce and baby kale of the season cut this morning from a “pot garden” will make lunch.
Check out Marilyn Warner's blog at:
Marilyn writes about writing, her mother, and life in general. Today she shared a lovely quote her mother wrote. "SMILING ISN’T ENOUGH…BUT IT’S A GOOD START". 
Now isn't that a lovely thought for a Sunday pondering...such good advice to live by.


  1. Love the Blue Willow Platters - and the lettuce and kale look delightful.
    Love that quote too. And will go and visit Marilyn.
    Thank you.

  2. Thanks for sharing my Mom's quote, Claudia; that was very thoughtful and sweet of you.
    It's one of my favorites, too.
    A "salt and pepper day"--what a great way to describe it!

  3. This weather is something else. Isn't it wonderful to be able to go out on the patio to eat? That's one of our favorite things to do as well. Have a great day. Soon we will have more salt than pepper :)

  4. Claudia--I agree--describing the day as a "salt and pepper day" is perfect.

  5. Hi Claudia - Mmm. Fresh greens! Have you tried making kale chips? A friend of mine made some for me a few weeks ago. I didn't expect to like them, but they were so good!


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