Saturday, March 1, 2014

Again Already?

If I did not feel bad enough...if the barometric pressure wasn't pushing me around as this???

Because I refuse to whine more here, I have left this page blank for ten days. I actually saw a few fat robins this week, put out pastel plates on the table, began to lean towards spring and hope again. Ha, now this! I made a huge pot of vegetable beef soup...again. Bought milk and eggs...again. And again I have doctor appointments and funerals on the week's calendar right in the middle of the new snow storm! Enough said!

"To acquire the habit of reading is to construct for yourself a refuge from almost all the miseries of life."   W. Somerset Maugham 


If you are still in a winter writing mode, here is an interesting op.

Call for submission: Anthology on writers and rejection.

Cairn Press LLC is looking for essays, short stories and poems in a forthcoming anthology. All works should address being rejected for publication (or otherwise) in some way. We feel that all writers could use a bit of encouragement in regard to the rejection letters that pile up far faster than the acceptances. Sometimes we can get down on ourselves. However, in realizing that most every writer has to deal with rejection, even a few notables, we can carry on.

We are seeking works that address being rejected as a writer, whether through short story, personal essay, example, elegy, or brief rant into the void. Regarding tone, we’re hoping for humorous, sarcastic and pithy, rather than “sitting at the edge of the bed, staring at the floor.”  

“Staring at the floor,” is, we feel, very depressing and pathetic. However, it’s a nice way to realize you need to vacuum. Please refer to the genre-specific guidelines below. 

Submission guidelines:

Creative works must be submitted between January 1 and March 31, 2014.

All submissions must be sent as an attachment to, or in the body of, an email addressed to:
rejectionAT cairnpressDOTcom
Please identify your genre (nonfiction, fiction, poetry) and the word “submission” in the subject line. A brief cover letter is welcomed. Please, no hard copy submissions. If accepted, we will require a 50-75 word bio. All authors will be notified of their status by July 1, 2014.

Nonfiction and fiction: If attaching your work, please send as doc/docx/rtf/pdf file type only. Only works with a word count between 100 and 5,000 will be considered. Please double-space and number your pages. We prefer a Times font for readability.

Poetry: If attaching your work, please send as doc/docx/rtf/pdf file type only. Please, no poems more than a page in length, with a maximum of three poems submitted. Please single-space poems. We prefer a Times font for readability.

(Note: We understand the irony that we will likely have to send out rejections for this anthology.)

Have a good weekend and be safe wherever you are. See you in the spring if there is one! :)



  1. So sorry to hear of your sorrow and loss. This new storm is about to make me crazy, too. I NEED summer warmth. Now they are predicting ice. It has to get better, my friend. Sending hugs.

  2. Oh, but I understand how you feel, Claudia.
    In both Colorado and Kansas, traveling from our house to my mom's assisted living, this has been a miserable winter. Every month our drive back and forth has had at least one winter storm, and sometimes more.
    I'd like to be more encouraging (for both of us) but I'm afraid this winter will be one for the records.
    But it will eventually pass, and your part of the country (and my mom's part, too) has beautiful spring flowers and early planting in bright green fields. We just have to hang on and wait, Claudia.

  3. Sometimes 'give us this day our daily whinge' is essential. For our sanity.
    I do hope you find a bit of peace and comfort this week.

  4. Well, if we're snowed in, perhaps we can use that time to write?

    Thanks for the reminder and the link. I have LOTS of rejection stories to tell. Maybe I can spin one to make it sound upbeat...

  5. Oh NOOOOOOOO, Claudia. I hate ice. Everybody's sick of winter. It's single digits here in Western Mass. Very cold.

    Oh well, at least we are alive! Right?

    Take care, dear Claudia. Susan

  6. I'm so sorry about your loss of friends and/or family, Claudia. It seems even harder when the weather is so dreary, doesn't it? And I know how aggravating doctor appts can be. Please know you are being warmed by hugs from us who love you!

  7. The summer heat will be here before we know it and then we'll all be melting... have a letter on the way!

  8. So sorry for your loss. I think everyone will appreciate spring this year. I know I will! And thanks for the link, interesting contest.

  9. Hi Claudia,
    I'm sending warm thoughts and hugs your way.
    Once winter is behind us think how much we'll enjoy spring.
    Thanks for the link. I will check it out.


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