Saturday, August 17, 2013

First OWL Meeting, Terrific!

This has been a great weekend thus far, although some manual labor is on tap for tomorrow. Friday we headed to Branson for my first-ever OWL meeting (Ozark Writers League). I have been a member for a while but always had a conflict with the meeting time. So I put the date on the calendar way in advance and made this one.

We left early on Friday so DH could stop by Harbor Freight and Grizzly’s in Springfield. Next to Grizzly’s is a mammoth antique mall with a lovely tea room we had never tried. So it was time to experience that as well. The food was good, and we shut our eyes to eat carbs and gluten both. The dessert is their signature recipe, a lemon and blueberry mascarpone cake. This was light, delicious, and sinful to eat!

On to Branson where some OWL members gathered at Box Car Willie’s for a supper and open mic evening. I have never been to open mic, and I really enjoyed myself. There were numerous readers, and I had read a lion’s share of the material but never met the writers. It was fun to put a name to a face. Then DH and I put in a sleepless night, and we don’t know why! No caffeine or chocolate or anything. Was it the carb devil making us do penance for that cake?

                                                  OWL president, Jan Morrill
Early this morning DH let me out at the Plaster Center at School of the Ozarks. Oh, the campus is so beautiful, but I was so distracted the entire day that I never got a picture. C. Hope Clark was the speaker; she spoke about the Shy Writer. Very interesting material and though I don’t think of myself as a shy anything, I guess I fell into some of her categories.
                                                      C. Hope Clark

Lunch was a wonderful meal at the Keeter building, the Dobyn’s dining room. Lovely place and with the best iced tea I think I have ever tasted. It was so dark it looked like Jed Clampet’s Texas Tea that bubbled up through the ground! We had some fried green tomatoes with our meal. Then it was 1:00 and time to resume with C. Hope Clark. She talked on Funding for Writers and Markets. Wow, and hour and half was gone instantly! So much info!

Now I have to process all this information and get to work using it. I also bought a bag full of books from Ozark writers there. Waterproofing the deck tomorrow does not sound like fun when all this is on my mind, but maybe it will act as a sifter time, a time to sort out and sift through what all I heard today.


  1. Claudia--It sounds like you had a wonderful time. Getting to hear Hope Clark talk--that must have been fun.

    You need to put it on your calendar more often...

  2. Claudia--It sounds like you had a wonderful time. Getting to hear Hope Clark talk--that must have been fun.

    You need to put it on your calendar more often...

  3. Hi Claudia! I'm so happy you and DH were able to make the trip. Sounds wonderful in all, writing, atmosphere, food, writing, etc! I'm sorry about your sleepless night, though :(
    I heard Hope Clark speak at one of the MWG meetings. She is very congenial and easy to talk with, also!

  4. You must be fired up to write. Writing meetings/conferences always get me going. :) I hope the carb devil has decided to let you be. No one should have to suffer for a little piece of cake.

  5. Hi Claudia...That sounded like fun! Glad you are a member of that group.
    The dessert? Mmmm mmm mm

    Thank you SO MUCH for all your faithful visits to my blog. I appreciate them sooooo much. Susan p.s. Hope this weekend is great for you, too!

  6. Glad you got out to the's always great to hang out with other writers. Only writers can understand what it's like to be a writer. Everyone else just things we're 'a little off!' LOL


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