Saturday, August 10, 2013

August Guild Meeting with Larry Dablemont

Despite a gray sky and storm clouds heading in from the west, the Joplin Writers’ Guild had a good turnout for the August Meeting. Members had been very busy submitting work, and there were also a few acceptances. Larry Wood brought a copy of his newest book, Murder and Mayhem in Missouri, which looks to be a great read.

Larry Dablemont, editor and publisher of Lightnin’ Ridge Outdoor Journal, was the guest speaker. He told stories and tales about his writing life starting with the Front Bench Regulars that told stories to him as a boy in front of the pool hall in Houston, Missouri. He began writing newspaper columns and became a Naturalist along with doing work as an Ozark fishing and hunting guide. His work of books and columns, 4600 columns so far, are full of firsthand experiences in nature.

Dablemont said luck and perseverance were major factors in his writing achievements. He encouraged writers to write about what they know and love for success. He said he knew sports and wrote about them, that he would have failed had he tried to write romance. He was hard on English teachers that pressed knowledge of predicates and participles. I understood where he was coming from, but none the less this English teacher thinks a writer should know her tools just like a carpenter knows his. After all, a house build without a T-square or one built with nails hammered by the handle of a screwdriver might be shelter but not a fine work of construction.

Dablemont also informed the group about the state of affairs of the now defunct Ozarks Mountaineer. The once popular magazine folded recently after being published a short time by Texas publishers. He is attempting to reprise the magazine under the name Journal of the Ozarks. The first issue will cost $7, have 72 pages, and be in black and white. From there, time will tell what the publication will be and do. For your own copy or more info, write to or


  1. I liked looking at your photos and also hearing about your writer's event. I agree with you, we must know the rules before we can break them, right?

  2. Sounded like a good lecture, Bookie. Perseverance definitely helps in the writing profession, that's for sure.

    I agree with you regarding grammar, etc. It's an important part of writing.

    Take care and Bookie, thanks so much for all your visits. You are a dear blog friend and I appreciate you sooooo much. Susan

  3. Claudia--It sounds like it was a great event. It's almost always helpful to hear an author talk about their writing journey.

  4. This sounds like a wonderful presentation! I bet you can find all kinds of inspiration from talks like these!


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