Thursday, July 25, 2013

Are You Writing Today?

If you are a regular reader of Natalie Goldberg books, then you are aware she mixes Zen, sitting meditation, and journals filled with free writing into a mixed stew of thoughts and outlooks. Her basic tenet espouses one has to  stop talking about writing and just do it. This is good advice for any writer and if followed, will produce some filled pages at least.

I was disappointed in Goldberg’s last book and thought she was repeating things she had said before but for a new dime. I told myself it would be the last book I bought by this author. However, I waffled and bought The True Secret of Writing. What I found was an enticing attitude  towards both writing and life. I enjoyed most of the pages. I will probably read it again someday.

On the book's pages, I found a few gems worthy of notecards on my writing wall:
It’s exhilarating to write!

…loving to read, even when you don’t have enough time, is a sign of a writer.
Freedom is not rejection, a getting away, but rather a resolution, the sand of our cells settles right down where we are…

Don’t struggle to understand practice; show up, be there, and, like osmosis, the teachings will enter your whole body.

You are the treasure you are dedicated to.
We are deluded to think we can find a solid island of safety and forever hold on tight.

Lists can be simple but…they are one of the true backbones of writing.          
No matter how you try to orchestrate your day, it seems to have its own composition.

The returning over and over builds the spine of practice. Can you have the heart for that?

Shut up and write!

Thanks, Natalie!


  1. Shut up and write! Those four words say a lot.

    Thanks for the reminder, Claudia.

  2. Yes indeed, sage advice. How is your writing coming along this summer?

  3. These are some great ones you've shared with us, Claudia. The "shut up and write" made me laugh---the universe must be telling me something because at the recent conference I attended author Cherry Adair's constant advice was "write the damn book." LOL

  4. I love "shut up and write" and "write the damn book" LOL

  5. Hi Bookie.The only one of Natalie's books I read was "Writing Down the Bones." Loved it.

    The one you got the quotes from sounds good, too.

    Thanks so much for all your faithful visits to my blog. LOVE it when you stop by and comment, too. Susan


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