Thursday, June 27, 2013

Lazy Days of Summer

Okay, I'll admit it: I am very lazy lately. Oh, I keep up what I have to like groceries and laundry, but when I think about dusting or seeking dirt in corners, I just say "Tomorrow".  The grand dog is visiting so it is perfect excuse not to jump up in the morning with a big plan. We go out on deck for breakfast and some reading. Storm is not crazy about heat so once we have had lunch outside too, it is time to go inside. Hum. I don't argue. More reading and fiddling and maybe even a wink or two while we wait for the sun to go down and cool things off for a while.

I found a book in my office closet titled The Tenth Gift. It looked pretty new but had no name. I go in touch with everyone I know who I swap books with, but no one claimed it was theirs. I started reading it, a story about two women in two different eras tied together by embroidery patterns. A bit of romance, a dash of pirates, some new info about Morocco all made for a good summer read. I was only a few pages in when I realized it was MY book. I had bought it off a clearance table months ago and forgot I had bought it. Hum,  think maybe I have too many books in my life?

                                                          Storm wants a bite too.


  1. I had two experiences of my own that made me laugh over this post.

    Several years ago I had given a box of books to the dog rescue group I work for. (We were having a rummage sale.) As I worked the sale--all day--I was looking at the books, and actually picked up a couple that I had donated. I considered buying them! (They were books I had had for years, I had still not read them, so I figured I was not that thrilled with them. However, as sale items, they were luring me once more.)

    At my last writing critique night, one of the women had a book that had been loaned to her by one of the other writers. We didn't remember who had originally had it. She handed it to me, asking if I wanted it next. I looked at it and after reading the first couple of pages, I had been mine. Yikes!

    I'm right with you. Too many books, but I wouldn't have it any other way. (My husband is a different story.)

  2. There can never be too many books or friends in life. Here's to having many of both (or is it each?).

    Love the photo of Storm. Such a sweetie.

  3. I have a stack of books also. Never too many books. Your granddog has a sweet face. I love being outdoors on the patio, but must admit to snoozing abit in the afternoon. Then I am revived enough to go outdoors again and play a few competitive game of RummyO with tiles.

  4. I don't have any granddogs, but I have two grandcats. One is a mellow older guy, the other is a little monster who is just over a year old.
    Thanks for visiting my blog.


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