Wednesday, May 8, 2013

It Is Helicopter Time!

So, weather is still the controlling factor of my days. I wait on the rain and chill to leave, but I am not in a hurry for steamy summer yet. I am afraid the spring is going to vanish under the clouds, and we will wake up to unbearable heat like that of the last couple of summers. The trees and flowers and birds are as confused as we are.

We were promised a break on the weekend, but it did not arrive until Monday afternoon. Knowing rain was to return again Wednesday afternoon, we ran out that day and “made hay while the sun shined” so to speak. I repotted my May Day daisy from a friend into a nice Spode bowl. I moved out the limp poinsettia and the Christmas cactus so they could catch a few rays.

On Tuesday the sun did not shine. I took the itching and burning rash that I have fought for two months to the doctor. Allergy contact she said and suspected poison ivy or oak but could not be sure. Ah, gotten in March? But it was warm and sunny for two days in March I think! Anyway, steroids which are not good but the only answer she had.

After that stop, a load of shrubs with hopes of getting them in before more rain. DH had already tilled so we laid weed barrier, planted, and shoveled bark mulch before supper. We came up one shrub short. But supper, a watch of Lady Chatterley’s Lover (Whew!), and bed completed the day. I did not sleep due to steroids and about the time I finally could sleep, DH awoke early!

So, we got up only to face cloudy skies! Where was the promised 80 degree sunshine for half a day before more rain? We took our new car out to Ford to have a new windshield since the old one only lasted four days, a long story. Then we left and headed to the nursery again. By the time we got the shrub, it was drizzling. After a stop to replace the paper shredder which also broke this morning, it was pouring by the time we got home. DH dressed in rain gear and went out to finish our new front. The shrubs look so shrinky in the rain, but they will grow, right?

            Wish I could catch the man who planted the gas meter on the front of the house!

After a good warm lunch and tea, we turned up the furnace (again), dragged out afghans (again), and retired to our winter worn chairs. About 4:30, we heard bird racket. The wrens were trilling beyond belief. Bless their hearts, they were so glad to see a break in the sky and some sun! They called us to join them and we did. We took a little popcorn, a book and went out to the deck. The breeze was blowing down the maple seed leaves, spinning like helicopters which are a sign of spring here. They filled the yard and deck, but no complains, only appreciation for this next sign of weather we love.

Joy! Blessings! Sunshine!

We know that heavy thunderstorms are the forecast for tomorrow, but a taste of sun lets us dream a little this evening. Neighbors are mowing trying to beat the next downpour, but hey, we are following the wrens advice and just singing…and not singing in the rain for maybe a couple of hours at least!

                                                          Bark needs raking but just too wet to finish.


  1. Oh my gosh, Claudia. The weather all over is crazy. Glad you got some plants in . They look nice.

    Gosh, today we had rain and intermittent sunshine, then more rain, blah blah blah. I figure, any rain is good for the flowers.

    Take care and keep warm (and dry). Spring is here! Susan

  2. Love your garden shots.

    Last night at a soccer game a woman told me that last year this time the temperatures were in the 90s, so I'm pretty happy with our weather this year, even if it has been rainy and cool.

  3. The paper shredders must have had a conference...ours went kaput, too AND my windshield got a knick. Isn't it amazing what a bit of sunshine can do for the heart and soul?

  4. p.s. on Tuesday....Hi Bookie. Thanks so much for all your sweet visits and comments, too.

    Love having you stop by. Hope all is well and that YOU are well, too. Susan

  5. Our weather is nuts, too. We'll have a week of cloudy, low 60s temps, and then two days of sunny and 80s. Then back to cloudy and cold. The pollen burst was horrendous this year, as well. Thank goodness that is finally settling down. On the upside, my roses don't seem to mind the mood swings of the weather---I've got gorgeous blooms and more budding. :) Sorry about your poison ivy/oak. Hope you're feeling better!


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