Thursday, March 7, 2013

March, Door to Spring

Time can move slowly, speed by, or it can simply be a blur. The days have felt suspended for the last week after the 97 year old father-in-law fell breaking his hip. News yesterday was he is doing well in rehab after the successful surgery. So maybe days will now move into ordinary time again.

Yesterday the air was cold but the sun reached the ground with a crisp brightness, like the fresh suns of spring. So I turned down the furnace, opened the windows and cleaned our bedroom. Ah, one room felt better by the end of day.

With both spring and St Patrick’s Day in the wings, thoughts of things green and Irish Soda bread came to mind. So for supper I made Irish muffins. I could not find currants in my local stores last fall and a sister-in-law brought me some from Montana. The tiny fruit bits were perfect making these speckled muffins wonderful.

This morning the sun is here again…I need sunlight so much, and I am grateful for these rays, for this day!


  1. I completely understand about sunlight. Hope life levels out for you, soon. Spring can;t get here soon enough. I am so happy about Daylight Savings Time.

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  5. So good to hear your father-in-law is doing better! And yes, I MUST have sunshine, too, no matter how cold it is. Unless it's snowing, of course, because you know I love snow! The muffins look yummy. Have a wonderful weekend

  6. We got our first sunlight in MONTHS (it seems -- probably not quite that bad)!

    Wow! Your father-in-law is fortunate to be recovering from this! So many at that age do not...I'm sure you HAVE felt rather suspended in time as you reorganize your time to take care of the "immediate" and unexpected circumstances...

    The muffins look temptingly delicious. Enjoy the tiny fruit bits, whole muffins and the rays!

  7. Hello Bookie...Thanks for your visit. I think we all need some sunshine right about now. I'm tired of popping Vitamin D. I want the real thing! ha ha ha

    Glad your father-in-law is recuperating. He has an indomitable spirit! God bless that man.Susan

  8. I love it when Spring is almost here ... it is like hope.

    Glad to hear that your FIL is healing up.

    Kathy M.

  9. Hi Bookie! I've been surfing about your posts and wanted to greet you. We had one day of sunshine. Its been heavy rain, mixed rain, rain showers and intermittent rain for months here.
    Glad you stopped by my blog...sorry your comment got lost. I never delete them; I really value every single one!


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