Saturday, December 22, 2012

Saturday Centus/Teacher's Joy

The last Saturday before Christmas and everyone is busy,busy! Jenny took time to put up a nice prompt this morning for Saturday Centus: White Snow. Bright snow.

Although my own effort is a little lame and probably not line correct, it was fun to smack out a little ditty to join in the Centus this morning. For more entries and rules to play, visit Jenny's blog at:

Merry Christmas to all  my readers, Centus and otherwise!

Teacher’s Joy

 White snow, Bright snow.

Students crowd around the window.

One and all begin to pray.


White snow, Bright snow.

“Flakes please fall and wind do blow,”

They begged the entire day.


White snow, Bright snow.

Gray clouds hovered and hung so low

While more flakes began to dance and play.


All through the night came the snow,

And before the dawn I seemed to know

There would be no classes held today.

Thanks White snow, Bright snow!


  1. what a fun piece of writing. I can imagine this very well.

    have a great day!

  2. Hahahaha ! That was so cute, well done... NOT lame at all !

    I remember when I was a teacher, my own kids and I would pray for snow, just for a break from school :)

  3. so sweet and so well captured that child's delight and prayers for snow! So far it's been too warm and like March and even Mom doesn't like it...

  4. You little poem was very cool,
    Those kids were glad they canceled school!

    Bookie, thanks so much for all your faithful visits and comments to my blog. You're the best.

    Merry Christmas! Susan

  5. Lame? Lame??? Not at all! I remember getting up especially early to see if we were having school or not! We had a long and slippery driveway that was great for sledding!

  6. We all know it is the teachers who pray for snow days, too. Cute poem.

  7. This is so fun!

    I love where you took this!

    Happy Almost New Year!


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