Thursday, September 27, 2012

A Poetry Reading


It threatened rain all this week, but mostly it showered and clouded up and was just plain sticky. Today has been another overcast day with reasonable temps, but the air has been muggy. It has left me lethargic and sleepy and yes, pretty much worthless!

This morning I went to exercise and pushed through the movements with no heart. When we went upstairs for our cuppa tea, two ladies had brought cookies! This never happens and all that sugar contributed to more stupor. Then I attended a birthday luncheon which was very nice, but after eating, I needed a nap. Oh, the grogginess of the day! I feel like one of those black flies that buzz and linger at the doors with no vigor right before a thunderstorm.

But Tuesday night we fought the weather and went to PSU for the first in the autumn Visiting Author series. It was Allison Joseph reading her poetry and what a great evening. Allison was a hoot, a perfect example that writing should have an element of fun. She had the audience in the palm of her hand in the first then minutes. Even DH said, “Why, she reads poetry even I can understand!” She had sold all of her new books before the reading started. I did get one of her older books and she signed it for me.

Not only a poet, she is a poetry editor at Crab Orchard Review in SIU at Carbondale, Illinois. Sad to say, I have never caught their attention at that publication! Then I realized this is the same person who sends me writing ops through CRWROPPS. I have seen her first name, Allison, every day and did not make the connection. So the world is small, I KNEW her already.

I see writing days ahead because winter is my most prolific writing time. I feel the juices beginning to flow. Thanks to Allison Joseph, I got a little shake that I should be penning some lines! Check her out as her poems are on line. And if you want a real hoot, go to UTUBE and listen to her read Professor Apathy; it is the second poem.

Do you have a favorite poet? A go to read for feeding your poetry soul?


  1. For someone so tired you certainly accomplished a great deal! Thanks for the link. I enjoyed it. :)

  2. Hello Bookie,
    I hear you on the "tired" thing! Me too! I love the way you expressed the feeling with the fly at the door!
    I think I would have enjoyed going to that author event! How amazing you realized later that you already knew the author.
    I will go and check out your link. Thanks so much for sharing.

  3. Sounds like Allison is someone to keep a look out for in the future... although I don't write poetry too much. I relate to your groggy days.


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