Saturday, August 11, 2012

Winner and Book Talk

Last night at 5:30 p.m. I drew for The Divorce Girl giveaway. Only three comments in one week made me sad, but I was happy to see a winner's name come out of the bowl. Joy over at I've Been Thinking is the winner. She has sent me her address so I will be mailing the book at the first of the week.

Actually fifteen people read the blog entry but only three left comments. I have noticed that few people do leave comments on the books I review. Ah, maybe I am reading the wrong books? :)  Or maybe I write poor reviews? Well, books are a big part of my life and always have been. I doubt if stop pushing books!

This summer I have read a lot of different kinds of material and some books have been heavy reading. I have been working for weeks on BONHOEFFER: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy by Eric Metaxas. It is heavy on theology and doctrine at first...I waded slowly through the pages but would not give up.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a German pastor during the Nazi years. He became part of plot to eliminate Hitler, and he died for his struggles against a Nazi Germany. He was a principled man who lived what he professed. He challenges me to be more than what I am.

I have been careful to not mark lines in this book because I wanted to share the book with others without coloring their own responses. I made a mistake and now will just have to reread the book with pen in hand. Today I let myself put inky brackets around the following line he wrote in a letter after a student pastor had died in the war. "Where Got tears great gaps we should not try to fill them with human words." What a powerful line!

I am not finished with the book yet, and I probably won't review it here. The subject matter alone should interest readers enough to try the book. It is a challenge but full of history, theology, and thought-provoking paragraphs.


  1. Hi Bookie....No, don't give up reviewing books. Even if people don't read the book being reviewed, they can get a glimpse of what it's about. It's kind of like movie reviews. I may not even see the movies being written about, but I like to read the reviews, just to keep myself "in the loop."

    Congrats to the winner of The Divorce Girl!

    Take care and have a nice Sunday. Susan

  2. Hi Claudia - Sorry I missed your giveaway. I've been on hiatus, but glad to be back. Keep on reviewing. You just never know who is paying attention!


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