Saturday, June 16, 2012

Saturday Centus/Singing of Home


What a great Saturday; I can do Centus today! Jenny gave normal prompt of "Has it really been a decade?" and anotehr 100 words to use for writing. See full Centus rules and other writers at  My own is below.

Singing of Home
 “Has it really been a decade?” Twyla asked herself sipping morning tea. She leaned over the Nashville balcony, noting the Saturday silence.
She was surviving but not reaching stellar status she had hoped for by now. She was no Dolly Parton, but her moderately heavy bosom heaved and her tongue twanged the country lines she wrote herself. She played small bars, but no record deals yet.
She thought of Daddy, one overall strap tossed over his shoulder, picking beans trying to beat the Ozark sun. Mama would be stirring bubbling grits, the cream chilling in the ice box.
She began to hum…she was going home.


  1. Here's to a great reunion!

    Well written and evocative.


  2. Oh yes, it is sometimes great to just go home!

    ~Naila Moon

  3. What a sweet post. I can see her thinking, longingly of home, right now!

  4. What a different take on this prompt. I loved the idea of a struggling singer.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Very interesting. Made me want to know more.

  7. Great job of describing these characters. I could just picture Twyla and then her Daddy. laurie

  8. It's always important to know when to quit! I loved this, Claudia!!

  9. Sadly, I can relate to the bosom part of this story. ha!

    First I read this in a macabre in she was going to fling herself off the balcony.

    And then I realized I probably need something to up my blood sugar and that's probably not what you meant at all!

    Great writing.

    Loved this!


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