Thursday, April 19, 2012

Book Blurb Friday/Night Space

Life left a little crack in the door this week so I have a chance to play a bit over at Lisa’s blog There every Friday she posts a picture and lets you have 150 words to write a book jacket for a possible book. For full details and to read more book blurbs, visit Lisa’s blog page. My own attempt is below.

Night Space by Lexie Shimard
On the pages of Shimard’s new book of poetry, readers will visit the world of a woman, her stages of angst, frustration, and happiness. Full of metaphor for the simple things and where the poet catches the extraordinary in lines of unusual imagery, this new book Night Space is a delightful read.

Shimard tells readers that “over the next hill rages the life I need to live” and then describes her own skin that “longing for touch, melts into his hand like butter in a biscuit”.  Addressing the passing days and nights along with the evaporating seasons of her life, the poet shares such lines as  “the man in the moon caressed me, then kissed my cheek well after midnight”.
While the book tells a story, each poem is complete in itself. Night Space invites readers in and encourages them to stay as long as they want.


  1. For 'evaporating seasons of her life' alone I would buy this book - and you too have seen introspection in this photograph. Well-enticing blurb.

  2. This is a great idea, and I am sure that it will be a bestseller. I loved the butter and biscuit line, it made me laugh (though I'm still thinking about Sioux fart story).

    Kathy M.

  3. I agree with Sandra. The blurb would hook me because the phrases are irresistable bait.

    Well done.

  4. This makes me want to read the rest of the virtual book! You should do this for a living!


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