Sunday, January 22, 2012

January Is Hot Tea Month

I still have a lot of reds out this time of year. I guess they will stay until after Valentine's Day when pink and yellow tulips come to mind for spring. I can't complain thus far about winter confinements because this winter month of January has been cold but not frigid, dry with no snow or ice. Frankly, I rather miss the normal winter weather.                                      

 January is National Hot Tea Month and I do my part. I have given up my diet soda pop so tea is even more important now. I have been trying to "weed down" my freezer and cupboards just like my overstuffed closets and this includes the tea shelf. There are so many good teas, but I have favorites so I am trying to get down to just buying those particular ones. DH loves dessert teas; I am more of a basic black person. Our friends in Wales once sent us a supply of their favorite "supermarket tea". It was one of my favorites too. Rich, dark and robust!

Because caffeine is a problem after early afternoon, we use herbals in the evening. A new one from Simpson and Vail is a Tusli with cranberry and ginger. It is very good as hot tea. When the weather is warmer, I will try it as iced tea. It has a lovely scarlet hue and must look like punch when served over ice. 

Hot tea calls for a goodie or two with a cup or mug of brew. One shortbread cookie or piece of cheese is nice, DH likes a plate full. But snacking piles up the carbs, whacks the blood sugar. Hot tea is good for you--if you can leave the sweets alone. I am hoping Paula Deen will find some grand low carb snack for us all! She, Gladys Taber, and Mrs. Harry Truman filled their dishes with cream, sugar, and butter. Oh, those were the days! I did find a nice macaroon from Bess Truman that is fairly harmless and supper easy if you like coconut and can stop with just one...well maybe two.

Bess Truman Coconut Macaroons

3 cups coconut, one can sweetened condensed milk, 2 t. vanilla and dash of almond extract. Drop by round spoon. Bake at 350 for 15 minutes. Each cookie is about 60 calories and 7 carbs.
I have been getting some emails about not being able to comment on my blog, and I appreciate the effort made by readers to comment. As long as blogger keeps nailing my blog, I will post an address for comments for those of you who want to use it.


  1. ha ha this Blogger is crazy! You are back on track. i think they choose a few of us to frustrate at a time. I'm going to try those cookies. Yum!

  2. I wish I had some coconut in the cupboard! Three cups of it to be exact.

    Tea? Not so much for me. Don't know why. Just never been that enthused about it...

    Winter. It's been cold here, and we finally got 3-4" of snow. Definitely winter.

  3. Hi Claudia,
    The red and white teacup and saucer is lovely. Makes me want to brew a cut of tea.

  4. Your Red and White tea set is perfect for the season... and such a beauty... I'd keep it out all month too( ha Ha)... Goodness what an enlightening tea post... I'll have to watch for some of those delectable tea flavours.. Cranberry and Ginger sounds wonderful... especially on a cold wintry day... Thanks for sharing the Macaroon recipe..I love coconut... Hugs

  5. Mmmmmm I love macaroons! Your white tea pots are really lovely. The shape and special designs are lovely.

  6. What a lovely teacup and saucer in red and white. This very much a treat for Valentine's Day. The thoughts about carbs are right on and the cranberry and ginger tea sounds delicious. Happy Tea Party! Pam

  7. Oh Lordy, Claudia, those macaroons sound divine. My hubs LOVES macaroons. I'm afraid to make those, though, cuz I'd want to eat all of them. ha! Susan


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