Thursday, December 8, 2011

Book Blurb/Life's Stairwell

It is Book Blurb Friday again over at Lisa's. This week she offers a very intriguing picture, a sure fire story starter. Using the picture below and 150 words, writers can write a book jacket blurb for a potential new book. For more blurbs and complete rules to write, go to

                                           Life's Stairwell
When she was young, each step of Mona’s life was wide open with possibilities. She had a wide avenue of options and opportunity, but she was a bit cowardly about trying new things, of taking a chance. Now at 50, she saw life’s stairwell narrowing, growing steeper and darker. If she was to leave her mark on the world, it had to be soon. Fearful of the next step, Mona girded up her courage making herself ready to pounce forward. Would it land her in a dark dead end or project her into a world of light and freedom? She didn’t know, but she placed each foot carefully before her, ready to face the rest of her life.


  1. Keep going, Mona! And stop 'moning'. I'm sure there's light at the end of the tunnel in this book!

  2. Perhaps she needs to stop being so careful? (And I can vouch that the ten years after fifty can be every bit as exciting and fulfilling and interesting as the previous decades.)

  3. I think your blurb would strike a chord with many readers. I'm already cheering for Mona and would have to buy the book to make sure that she makes it to that light and freedom.

  4. I think that Mona would do great, beginning with a few baby steps that will throw her into to a whole new world. This is a great story!

    I also like how you matched the picture to the story so closely.

    Kathy M.

  5. Mona's desire to reinvent herself is one many women "of a certain age" can relate to. This sounds like a great read, Claudia!

  6. "Ready to face the rest of her life" is fabulous, Claudia. I also love the way you've used an actual stairway and a symbolic stairway. Wonderful.

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel

  7. Hi Claudia: Very interesting blurb. Makes you think! Blessings, Martha


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