Saturday, July 30, 2011

Saturday Centus, Hot Tears

Today is Centus Day again, and Jenny has tossed out a "hot" one today. We have had triple digits here for days and days in a row. The heat is taking a toll on people's nerves, not to mention on their electric bills! July has had no fun as it was too hot to be out under a heat warning. So...we are being robbed of summer by the very sun we waited all winter for!

Today Jenny gave us a 100 words and only a picture prompt to write our scenes or stories. Below is my effort. Go to Jenny's blog for full rules to play.


                                         Hot Tears

Sarah shoved her groceries in the car and stole a look at the bank. The thermometer said 104 while sweat careened down her neck, through her crated breasts, under her waistband and headed for the back of her knees. She knew the car couldn’t get cool before she reached home, but it wasn’t getting any cooler dreading the trip.

Pulling into her driveway, she noted the lawn was crispy straw. The triple digit temps were taking a toll on everything, including her. Then, she dropped her grocery sack. As an egg firmed on the searing pavement, she began to cry.


  1. Wow, I could feel every drip of sweat and every hot vivid and real...Excellent !!!

  2. O.K., I'm drenched and dying here!!! Super word crafting ....

  3. Vividly hot...well written about a summer to remember...perhaps forget ;-) Peace and blessings

  4. Well, I think you summed it all up perfectly! Stay cool:@)

  5. I feel like her. Thank God for curtains and my birthday suit! Come on Fall!~Ames

  6. OMYGOSH...Love this! Have you written a book? You should.....:)

  7. This is very visual and visceral at the same time. Love your phasing, like: "...sweat careened down her neck, through her crated breasts..." Evocative and a little funny at the same time. Crated? Love it.

    The entire piece moves very smoothly and is very readable - two hallmarks of good writing, I think.


  8. i felt the sweat and the frustration. Good flowing write.

  9. Great imagery. I could see the sweat, the lawn, the egg. This also leaves me wanting more. You did a wonderful job!

  10. I have actually felt that way about the zapping heat. Great, great job.

  11. How depressing! We're welcoming the coming Spring, but you make me dread February!

  12. Oh what a brilliant piece. I could feel that water go on it's travels & how sad & exhausting the ending was. Excellent writing!

  13. Wonderful the way you made us feel the heat.


  14. oh, poor girl ... i feel the heat and i am so sad for her ...

  15. This post made me reach for a cool glass of water...really!!!! Great imagery.

  16. Oh, I am so sorry for Sarah. You made me feel her pain. Good job. laurie

  17. hate that when I forget the code!!

    I can see the sweat drip ( or maybe I can feel it)
    and the yolk hitting in a splat - just had that a few weeks ago ( about 6 eggs lost it)

  18. Great story! Wonderful use of the picture prompt! Your text really conveys the misery of hot weather and what can happen when it tires you out. You make mistakes and drop things. Very clever solution. Excellent Centus!!!!
    Best wishes,
    'John Tell, expert on tourism' Anna's SC wk 65

  19. Hello again. I am looking for your SC-post for week 66 and can't seem to find it. In the meantime I would like to thank you for stopping by and reading and commenting on my SC-post for Week 66.
    Bäst wishes,
    For the benefit of other readers:
    Sanna's Sunshine SC Wk 66

  20. Oh gosh. I know exactly how that feels. Almost every day lately I tell my husband we are moving to Alaska.

    He laughs at me.

    But I'm totally serious!

    Thanks for linking up.

    This was a great use of the picture prompt.


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